United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Accessibility Statement

The Natural Resources Conservation Service is committed to making its information accessible to all of its customers and employees. If you are experiencing accessibility issues and need assistance, please contact us via email Web Quality Team. For assistance with publications that include maps, graphs, or similar forms of information, you may also wish to contact the State or local office. You can locate the correct office and phone number at http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/sclocator.asp.

Access Keys

Most browsers support jumping to specific links by typing keys defined on the web site. On Windows, you can press ALT + an access key; on Macintosh, you can press Control + an access key.

All NRCS pages within this site define the following access keys:

Access key K
Skip to the page content
Access key S
Search box

Text Size

Most NRCS web pages contain a dynamic "text size switcher" in the upper-right corner beneath the photograph. Selecting one of the links will adjust the site's text to a larger size. The default size is the smallest of the three options.

Some additional information and conditions for this feature to work are:

  • If first-party cookies are not allowed in your web browser's security settings, the text size will reset back to the default when browsing between pages.
  • For privacy concerns, you text size preference cookie expires after 24 hours.
  • The switcher requires a modern web browser that can interpret alternate style sheets. This includes Internet Explorer 5 and above, Gecko-based browsers, Safari, and Opera 7.
  • JavaScript and Style Sheets must be enabled.