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What's New?

This page is intended to provide the most direct link to major changes, additions, deletions, etc., on the FFIEC Web site. Minor changes or routine maintenance items will not normally be listed.

Major changes or additions to the FFIEC Web site for June 2008: (most recent first)

June 30, 2008

-- Added the June 2008 Instructions for Preparation for FFIEC Form 031 and Form 041.

-- Added the June 2008 Quarterly Call Report Supplemental Instructions for FFIEC Form 031 and Form 041.

-- Added the FIL-61-2008 Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for Second Quarter 2008 for FFIEC Form 031 and Form 041.

-- Added the June 2008 Call Report Instruction Book Update for FFIEC Form 031 and Form 041.

-- Added the June 2008 Optional Worksheet for Calculating Call Report Applicable Income Taxes for FFIEC Form 041.

June 27, 2008

-- Added the E16 report for March 31, 2008.

-- Added the June 2008 Letter - (PDF) for FFIEC Form 009/009a.

June 26, 2008

-- Added June 2008 Reporting forms for FFIEC Form 002.

June 24, 2008

-- Added June 2008 Reporting forms for FFIEC Form 031, Form 041 and Form 002s.

Archives of major changes or additions to the FFIEC Web site:

Current Year

Previous Years

