10 CFR - Energy

605.9 Application Requirements.

(a) An original and seven copies of the application for initial support must be submitted except that State governments, local governments, or Indian tribal governments shall not be required to submit more than the original and two copies of the application.

(b) Each new or renewal application in response to this part must include:

(1) An application face page, DOE Form 4650.2 (approved by OMB under OMB Control No.1910-1400). However, the facesheet of the application for State and local governments and Indian tribal government applicants shall be the facesheet of Standard Form (SF) 424 (approved by OMB under OMB Control Number 0348-0043).

(2) A detailed description of the proposed project, including the objectives of the project, in relationship to DOE's program and the applicant's plan for carrying it out;

(3) Detailed information about the background and experience of the principal investigator(s) (including references to publications), the facilities and experience of the applicant, and the cost-sharing arrangements, if any.

(4) A detailed budget for the entire proposed period of support with written justification sufficient to evaluate the itemized list of costs provided on the entire project.

(i) Numerical details on items of cost provided by State and local government and Indian tribal government applicants shall be on Standard Form 424A, Budget information for Non-Construction Programs, (approved under OMB Control No.0348-0044). All other applicants shall use budget form ERF 4620.1 (approved by OMB under Control No. 1910-1400).

(ii) DOE may, subsequent to receipt of an application, request additional budgetary information from an applicant when necessary for clarification or to make informed preaward determinations under 10 CFR Part 600.

(5) Any preaward assurances required pursuant to 10 CFR parts 600 and 605.

(c) Applications for a renewal award must be submitted in an original and seven copies, except that State governments, local government, or Indian tribes are required to submit only an original and two copies. (Approved by OMB under OMB Control Numbers 0348-0005-0348-0009).

(d) The application must be signed by an official who is authorized to act for the applicant organization and to commit the applicant to comply with the terms and conditions of the award, if one is issued, or if unaffiliated, by the individual applicant. (See 605.19(a)(1) for requirements on continuation awards.)

(e) All applications which involve research, development, or demonstration activities when such activities:

(1) Have a unique geographic focus and are directly relevant to the governmental responsibilities of a State or local government within the geographic area;

(2) necessitate the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. (1976)); or

(3) are to be initiated at a particular site or location and require unusual measures to limit the possibility of adverse exposure or hazard to the general public, are subject to the provisions of Executive Order 12372 and 10 CFR Part 1005.

Anyone planning to submit such applications should contact ER for further information about compliance requirements.

(f) DOE may return an application which does not include all information and documentation required by statute, this part, 10 CFR Part 600 or the notice of availability, when the nature of the omission precludes review of the application.

(g) During the review of a complete application, DOE may request the submission of additional information only if the information is essential to evaluate the application.

(h) In addition to including the information described in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, an application for a renewal award must be submitted no later than six months prior to the scheduled expiration of the project period and must be on the same forms and include the same type of information as that required for initial applications. The renewal application must outline and justify a program and budget for the proposed project period, showing in detail the estimated cost of the proposed project, together with an indication of the amount of funds needed and the amount of cost sharing, if any. The application also shall describe and explain the reasons for any change in the scope or objectives of the proposed project, and shall compare and explain any difference between the estimates in the proposed budget and actual costs experienced as of the date of the application.

(i) DOE is not required to return to the applicant an application which is not selected or funded.

(j) Renewal applications must include a separate section that describes the results of work accomplished through the date of the renewal application and how such results relate to the activities proposed to be undertaken in the renewal period.