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"The great hope of the country lies in the hearts and souls of our people."

- President George W. Bush

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Press Releases & Announcements
Thursday, January 30, 2003

The White House - USA Freedom Corps

Volunteer Service Organizations Congratulate the USA Freedom Corps on First Anniversary

The American Red Cross is proud to have joined with the President and the USA Freedom Corps in reawakening the volunteer spirit in communities nationwide. Together, we are empowering communities to prepare for and respond to disasters-using the uniquely American spirit of volunteerism to mobilize our people to serve their communities and their country.
American Red Cross

Salute to the USA Freedom Corps on the first anniversary of its extraordinary leadership. This Cabinet-level structure, chaired by the President, with the persistently creative leadership of John Bridgeland, is poised and challenged to achieve a quantum leap in citizen service. America's Promise, our Alliance for Youth - launched by all the Presidents in Philadelphia in 1997 under our Founding Chairman Colin Powell - joins in this great endeavor to fulfill the promise of America for all our children and youth - indeed, for all Americans.
America's Promise

On behalf of the thousands of individuals who mobilize and manage volunteers in nonprofits and government settings throughout the United States, we congratulate USA Freedom Corps on its first year anniversary! Thank you for recognizing that skilled leadership within organizations and communities is essential to stimulate and sustain effective citizen participation.
Association for Volunteer Administration

Big Brothers Big Sisters congratulates the USA Freedom Corps on its one-year anniversary. As the coordinating council for President Bush's call to Citizen Service, USA Freedom Corps has played an invaluable role in connecting Americans with meaningful volunteer opportunities. Big Brothers Big Sisters, the nation's largest youth mentoring organization is proud to be a USA Freedom Corps partner and shares the belief that citizen service is one of the essential building blocks of a healthy, productive and compassionate society.
Big Brothers Big Sisters

Camp Fire USA applauds USA Freedom Corps. In a single year, you have reached schools through Students in Service to America, galvanized the corporate sector through Businesses Strengthening America, educated the public through an effective PSA campaign and comprehensive website . . . the list goes on. We thank you for connecting Camp Fire USA to new opportunities and look forward to working together to help more children; youth and families answer the President's call to service. A grand adventure lies ahead.
Camp Fire USA

Campus Compact congratulates the USA Freedom Corps on its one-year anniversary. When President Bush called on all Americans to serve their country, college students responded by serving their communities in increased numbers. Last year, over a hundred colleges and universities joined Campus Compact, bringing membership up to 865 campuses. The USA Freedom Corps' support of service and civic engagement in higher education has energized Campus Compact's work and helped build stronger efforts on campuses across the country.
Campus Compact

Capital Area Food Bank's experience with the USA Freedom Corps has been nothing less than spectacular. Information, research, statistics, resources, volunteers--the Freedom Corps has been nothing less than what it said it would be. We appreciate their sense of professionalism and integrity, and look forward to working with them on a continual basis.
Capital Area Food Bank

The President's "call to service," spearheaded by the USA Freedom Corps, has afforded the Center for Youth as Resources additional opportunities to fulfill our mission of supporting youth-led community service. Our partnership with USA Freedom Corps has helped us call attention to youth led responses to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and has provided us with a vehicle to engage other youth serving organizations on the subject.
Center for Youth as Resources

On September 11th, 2002, thousands of youth answered the President's "call to service" by organizing yearlong memorial volunteer projects through Champions of Hope. The USA Freedom Corps invited disadvantaged youth to share their project plans and give them encouragement. This experience taught them, that through volunteerism, they can achieve great things for America despite their circumstances.
Champions of Hope

We are thrilled that the President has made such a strong and resonant call for volunteerism. CityCares affiliates have been buoyed by the USA Freedom Corps efforts to tap into the spirit of service throughout the country. We very much look forward to supporting this effort to increase the number of volunteers and their impact on critical needs in communities across the nation. We look forward to finding creative ways of supporting and collaborating with the coalition of organizations that the USA Freedom Corps is assembling to help answer the President's call to service.

We at City Year are deeply honored to work in partnership with the USA Freedom Corps in support of President Bush's call to all Americans to serve their neighbors and their nation. The energy, commitment and idealism with which the USA Freedom Corps has led the charge to engage Americans of every background in service has inspired all of us to redouble our efforts to "build communities of service and a nation of character." Since President Bush called on all Americans to serve and established the USA Freedom Corps, more than 2,000 members of the City Year community have pledged to complete at least 4,000 hours of service in their lifetimes.
City Year

Girl Scouts of the USA applauds the USA Freedom Corps for a year of critical action in communities across the country. As a volunteer-based organization with nearly one million adult volunteer members, we share the commitment to revitalizing the spirit of civic-mindedness. Volunteerism is a precious commodity in America that helps our nation grow richer and stronger.
Girl Scouts of the USA

The creation of USA Freedom Corps and the President's call to service have brought much-needed attention to the invaluable service charities perform everyday in every community across the country and to the power Americans can exercise when they volunteer their time toward this work.
Independent Sector

Jumpstart is tremendously grateful for the work of the USA Freedom Corps. As an important partner over the last year, you have listened and responded to the needs of the field, built new and exciting initiatives, convened leaders with diverse opinions and approaches, and promoted successful models. We salute your outstanding accomplishments for year one!

USA Freedom Corps efforts to foster service, citizenship and responsibility at the national level help KaBOOM! rally corporate and community volunteers at the local level. In the past year, we have combined to rally 15,000 volunteers to help us lead the hands-on construction of new, safe playgrounds and skateparks for more than 100,000 kids! We are proud to be working with USA Freedom Corps to answer the President's call to service.

The National Association of Service and Conservation Corps is grateful to President Bush and USA Freedom Corps for making national service a priority! Thank you for focusing on existing infrastructure and for challenging us to expand our horizons. In 2002, NASCC support of USA Freedom Corps efforts included 24,337 NASCC corpsmembers investing 18.5 million hours of service, while generating 110,467 volunteers who donated an additional 1,838,275 hours of service.
National Association of Service and Conservation Corps

We have been honored to partner with USA Freedom Corps from its inception, when we developed United for a Stronger America, a citizens' preparedness guide, and a public service ad promoting Neighborhood Watch. We are especially pleased to work with USA Freedom Corps to engage teens in this vital mission. We look forward to a long and productive partnership and to serving on the National Advisory Committee for Citizen Corps.
National Crime Prevention Council

On behalf of the 17.6 million young Americans who need caring adult mentors, MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership congratulates USA Freedom Corps on its one-year anniversary. The Corps' outstanding new Volunteer Network has produced a very significant increase in the number of adults seeking mentoring opportunities. Equally important, it is playing a leading role in transforming the widespread interest in mentoring into real action on behalf of America's young people.
National Mentoring Partnership

In life, most people you meet and organizations you deal with are Ph.D. oriented, exclusively. It is the dialogue that matters most. At USA Freedom Corps it has been my experience that they are principally "Ph.Do." oriented; meaning that dialogue and talk is most always a prelude to real and substantive action. The people that run and work at USA Freedom Corps every day, truly understand and appreciate that the magic of what they do is not the President's intent, but the President's intent made real through active, consistent and ongoing volunteerism. Whether through Banking on Our Future, our national economic literacy program, or HOPE Coalition, our emergency economic response program, USA Freedom Corps has been there -- as a bugle horn for hope. Onward USA Freedom Corps. Onward.
Operation Hope

The Participate America Foundation is a nationwide grassroots effort that encourages Americans to volunteer and become engaged in their civic responsibilities. In working with local communities, Participate America has witnessed first hand how USA Freedom Corps has motivated and mobilized Americans to answer the President's call to service during National Civic Participation Week and throughout the year.
Participate America Foundation

The Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network has partnered with USA Freedom Corps on a number of successful initiatives. We believe more strongly than ever that the President's call to action continues to play an integral role in promoting volunteering and service throughout our country.
Points of Light Foundation

President Bush's unprecedented "call to service" was a clear sign of his commitment to healthy communities and civic responsibility. The creation of the USA Freedom Corps has provided the resources, relationships and ideas to make that a reality. As a result of our relationship with the USA Freedom Corps, Public Allies has gained greater recognition, attracted new champions and increased the number of young Americans and community organizations we serve. This access to new resources has allowed us to re-commit to engaging residents of the communities we serve in our projects and transforming "clients" to community assets. The USA Freedom Corps ability to make service and volunteerism relevant and valuable to all Americans, has enabled Public Allies to better meet our mission of advancing young leaders to strengthen communities, nonprofits, and civic participation across the country.
Public Allies

Teach For America is proud to be a member of USA Freedom Corps and applauds your efforts to inspire community service and volunteerism nationwide. After the creation of the Freedom Corps and the President's call to service, Teach For America recruited nearly three times as many applicants (over 14,000) than in the previous year and placed a record 2,500 teachers.
Teach for America

United Way of America salutes the USA Freedom Corps on the occasion of their one-year anniversary as stewards of the President's call to service. Freedom Corps' work in increasing volunteerism and civic engagement will strengthen our nation now and in times of heightened need. United Way is proud to work with the USA Freedom Corps as we stimulate community dialogue and active community participation to increase the caring power of communities.
United Way of America

The UPS Foundation is proud to partner with USA Freedom Corps to achieve our common goals of increasing the quantity and improving the quality of volunteer service in America. We have worked with the Freedom Corps on their volunteer opportunity website, the Business Strengthening America initiative, and a recently-launched nonprofit volunteer management capacity survey, and look forward to future opportunities for collaboration.
UPS Foundation

Volunteers of America's strategic plan for 2003-05 sets a goal of expanding the number of volunteers engaged in our programs to 75,000. President Bush's call for all Americans to dedicate their time and energy to helping others coincides with the goals of our strategic plan, and is a welcome challenge to all Americans to help those in need in our society.
Volunteers of America

On behalf of the nation's 2,493 YMCAs, I commend President Bush and the USA Freedom Corps for their leadership and work in promoting community service over the past year. The USA Freedom Corps has been an invaluable resource for YMCAs in helping to form new relationships with volunteers, other organizations and corporations who share the YMCA's mission of building strong kids, strong families and strong communities. YMCA of the USA looks forward to a continued partnership with the President and the USA Freedom Corps in strengthening communities nationwide by engaging and educating Americans especially our youth around community service. Congratulations on a great first year of service!
YMCA of the USA
