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Benchmark Summary Report

Upper Kanawha Valley Enterprise Community

Lead Entity
: The Kanawha County Commission 


State: West Virginia
Counties: Kanawha (121, 122), Fayette (207)
Community Population: 17,873
Poverty Rate: 25.1%
Net Land Area: 221 square miles


Community Overview 

The Upper Kanawha Valley, centrally located in the State of West Virginia is in the southeastern portion of Kanawha County and includes Fayette County. The Upper Kanawha Valley is an area of Appalachia rich in heritage and natural resources, but lacking in suitable building sites, basic public infrastructure, and many essential elements of everyday community life. The extractive industries of coal mining and timber operations have resulted in a high degree of absentee ownership involving very large tracts of land. This further complicates the economic restructuring and revitalization of the region due to the unavailability of land for sale to prospective developers. 

Strategic Plan Highlights 

With the implementation of the strategic plan, the community strives to balance economic and community development.


The community has secured several partnerships from organizations in the private and nonprofit sectors. The City of Charleston and the University of Charleston have a partnership with Riverside High School, the WestBanco Bank Charleston Offices. They will provide twenty full-time jobs. The Upper Kanawha Valley Economic Development Corporation is a nonprofit corporation which was instrumental in recruitment of a $60 million State correctional complex, Business and Industrial Development Corporation is a public-private regional economic and jobs development organization that has been very successful in recruiting new empowers and retaining existing industries . 


The community has a commitment of $1,000,00 from the Governor of West Virginia and the state’s economic development office. 

Community Involvement 

The Kanawha County Planning Commission published a monthly newsletter informing the community informed about the planning process and the status of the plan. The newsletter requested citizen participation and input.


Ben Newhouse


Upper Kanawha Enterprise Community


200 Upper Kanawha Valley Way


P.O. Box 309


Cabin Creek, WV  25035


(304) 595-5991


(304) 595-5993


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