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Laboratory Analytes and Repository Plan - Health ABC

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Examination 1 N=32121 Examination 2 N=27341 Examination 3 N=27341 Examination 4 N=2850  Examination 5 N=2800  Examination 6 N=2800  Examination 7 N=2800 
Stored specimens:
1 extracted DNA, microtiter plates cells for later transformation            
19 aliquots serum2 10 aliquots serum 4 serum 4 serum   10 serum  
12 aliquots EDTA plasma3 10 aliquots EDTA 4 citrated 7 plasma   10 plasma  
4 aliquots citrated plasma5 plasma plasma*        
3 aliquots urine4 4 aliquots citrated plasma  1 Vitamin C aliquot 4 urine aliquots Cells for later transformation* platelets*        
  Platelets frozen from citrated plasma for mitochondrial DNA *plasma & platelets only collected from those who had cells collected in Year 3 (plasma sent to LCBR for pilot studies)        
Total specimens for storage in each examination: 139,087 94,238 12,101 12,000   11,400  

N includes 5% blind duplicates

Aliquots = 13 aliquots 0.5 ml, 6 aliquots 1 ml.
Aliquots = 8 aliquots 0.5 ml, 4 aliquots 1 ml.
4Aliquots = 2 ml, 1 acidified, 2 not.
Aliquots = 0.5 ml
Analytes Obtained: Examination 1 Examination 2 Examination 3 Examination 4 Examination 5 Examination 6 Examination 7
Fasting glucose, insulin, two-hour (after glucola); glycated hemoglobin Fasting glucose TSH, Free T-4* Non-fasting, CBC Arterialized venous pH Fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin   Fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin  Total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides  
Total cholesterol, HDL- and LDL- cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine     Total cholesterol      
Albumin, alkaline phosphatase * in those with TSH alert          
Analytes added: Examination 1 Examination 2 Examination 3 Examination 4 Examination 5 Examination 6 Examination 7
Serum IL-6, TNF-a, CRP, leptin, PAI-1, Oxidized LDL            
Analytes proposed: Examination 1 Examination 2 Examination 3 Examination 4 Examination 5 Examination 6 Examination 7
Selected polymorphisms: ACE, IL-6, TNF-a, PPAR-8, RxR, HSP70-2, PAI-1 Selected musculoskeletal genes            

Page last updated Feb 16, 2008