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The Biology of Premenopausal Protection Workshop

This meeting—cosponsored by the Biology of Aging Program (BAP), Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology (GCG) program, and NNA program—explored knowledge gaps in the role steroid and peptide reproductive hormone levels play across the menstrual cycle within the premenopausal hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (H-P-O) axis that may protect premenopausal women—relative to age-matched postmenopausal women and men—from various health problems associated with menopause.

The workshop featured presentations on the following topics:

  • Overview of the problem
  • A review of the currently known biology of steroid and peptide reproductive hormones within the H-P-O axis, their biologic mechanisms of action and intracellular signaling pathways, and their biosynthesis and metabolism
  • Changes in hormonal dynamics within the H-P-O axis from pre- through postmenopause and the interactions of those hormonal dynamics with somatic tissues involved in postmenopausal health problems
  • The role of aging, age changes in nonreproductive hormones, and tissue responses to hormones

Separate discussion sessions addressed how these premenopausal hormone dynamics change across the menopause and how they affect the following somatic organ systems: bone, central nervous system, immune, cardiovascular, and adipose. Finally, the workshop examined appropriate animal and human models to address important knowledge gaps.

Contact Information

Dr. Frank Bellino, BAP

Dr. Sherry Sherman, GCG

Drs. Marilyn Miller and Andrew Monjan, NNA

Page last updated Feb 16, 2008