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Cross-Cutting Issues in Working Group Reports

  Working Groups
Cancer Center Role 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Collaborate with SEER x   x     x  
Enhance research linkages with other cancer centers to increase population size for research   x   x     x
Provide organized, multidisciplinary research infrastructure   x x   x   x
Advocacy for access, quality care, and funding       x   x  
Conduct pilot studies     x x   x  
Test and evaluate new practice guidelines           x  
Incorporate best care into clinical trials           x  
Collaborate with local care providers to develop innovations in delivery of care           x  
Research Questions
What is the impact of comorbidities on older cancer patients and the care they receive? x x x     x  
Does and should treatment differ in older and younger patients? x     x      
What type of care do older cancer patients need? x x x x x    
What type of care do elderly cancer patients receive? x   x        
Research Priorities
Explore existing research x         x  
Develop and test interventions   x x x x x  
Develop validated assessment instrument   x x x x x  
Incorporate cancer center expertise into NCI projects x x x        
Learn more about cancer in elderly populations x x x x x x x
Research Barriers
Cancer centers are not well suited to the kinds of research needed x     x      
More experts in different fields, with relevant experience, are needed to do research     x x x x  
Need more multidisciplinary, multi-institutional collaboration x x   x x    
Antiaging bias of many researchers   x x        
Recruiting older patients into clinical trials and studying them is difficult, costly, time consuming   x x   x   x
Research tools for this population are lacking   x x   x x  
Healthcare system is not set up to provide appropriate care to the elderly       x   x  

Page last updated Feb 16, 2008