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NIA Funding Line Policy for FY 2004

NIA has had a 38 percent increase in new and competing applications received from FY 2003 to FY 2004 and a 40 percent increase in funds requested by these applications. The FY 2004 extramural budget has increased by approximately $28 million, or 2.9 percent. To manage its resources, consider program priority areas, and support a full range of excellent research, NIA developed the following funding policy:

In FY 2003, NIA funded 411 competing Research Project Grants (RPGs), costing $159 million. In FY 2004, NIA plans to support a similar number of grants, costing $165 million. NIA expects to fund RPGs (R01, P01, U01, R03, R21, R15) to approximately the 15th percentile funding line.

To reach this funding line, NIA will reduce competing grants by an average of 18 percent below levels recommended in peer review. Reductions for other non-RPG mechanisms will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Additional adjustments in the funding line may be made as the fiscal year proceeds. 

Page last updated Jun 27, 2008