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Certificates of Confidentiality

Certificates of Confidentiality:

  1. Allow researchers to avoid the involuntary release of any portion of research records containing information that could be used to identify study participants
  2. Protect those who have access to research records from involuntary disclosure

When are Certificates of Confidentiality Appropriate?

Certificates of Confidentiality are appropriate when the study:

  1. Involves information collection potentially damaging to an individual's financial standing, employability, insurability, or reputation
  2. Might result in stigmatization or discrimination
  3. Involves genetic testing for disease predisposition
  4. Involves information on sexual attitudes or practices, substance abuse, or other illicit behavior

When Should PIs Request Certificates of Confidentiality?

PIs should discuss Certificates of Confidentiality with their NIA Program Administrator once the award is received, but before the study begins.

For more information on Certificates of Confidentiality, contact:

Dr. Robin Barr
Division of Extramural Activities
National Institute on Aging
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-9205
(Use Bethesda, MD 20814 for express mailing)

Office phone: 301-496-9322
Office fax: 301-402-2945

For additional information, see:

Release Date: March 15, 2002
Notice: NOT-OD-02-037

Page last updated Jul 25, 2008