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How Does AD Begin, and What Causes it to Progress?

Image of healthy neuron
Healthy neuron
Image of dying neuron
Dying neuron

AD research has expanded greatly since the early days, when investigators focused on understanding the manifestations and natural progression of the disease. Findings from these studies, combined with advances in many scientific areas—imaging, genetic analysis, molecular and cellular biology, and development of highly sophisticated animal models, to name a few—have led to an explosion of knowledge about AD.

We still have a lot to learn about the fundamental questions of AD pathology and etiology, however, and this continues to be a critical portion of the overall AD research portfolio. Learning more about the basic science is essential to understanding normal age-related change as well as how and why AD begins and how it progresses over time. For example, we know that as AD develops, neurons go through a process from a healthy state to some loss of molecular efficiency, to a loss of synaptic function, to loss of synapses, and, ultimately, to cell death. We also know that the damage begins in the areas deep within the brain that control memory, including the entorhinal cortex, the hippocampus, and related structures. The damage then spreads to the cerebral cortex (the outer layer of neurons in the brain), and eventually to many other brain regions. But we don’t fully know how long this process takes or how much may be reversible. What event (or series of events) causes normal age-related change to become a disease? What normal pathways of molecular communication are disrupted during the early development of AD? How will understanding these pathways lead to the development of drugs to block them? At what points could other types of interventions, such as diet, exercise, social and intellectual stimulation, or other lifestyle factors, slow down the disease process? Answers to questions like these are essential not only because they improve our overall knowledge about AD and other neurodegenerative diseases, but because they point to a range of strategies to treat or prevent AD. Some of these strategies are already being tested in animal studies and clinical trials. Recently, investigators made important headway in four main areas of basic AD research: beta-amyloid and synapses, tau, the cell cycle, and vascular dysfunction.

Beta-amyloid: From APP to Plaques (But Not Always)

It’s a tale with terrific characters: elusive enzymes, a principal player protein whose ultimate character (hero or villain) depends on the location of a cut, and plaques that maybe aren’t the evildoers everyone thought they were. After painstaking research, many scientists in laboratories across the country have teased apart the biological clues provided by these characters. The result? A storyline that continues to evolve, some radically new thinking about beta-amyloid and plaques, and several potentially promising new treatment approaches.

The story starts with amyloid precursor protein (APP), a large protein that is thought to be important to the health of neurons. APP is embedded in the neuronal membrane, residing partly inside and outside the cell. At some point, APP is cut, or cleaved, into several fragments. For a long time, scientists were pretty certain that one or more enzymes (proteins that cause or speed up a chemical reaction) were responsible for this cleaving, but they weren’t able to identify them. Eventually, investigators identified the three cleaving enzymes, which they named alpha-secretase, beta-secretase, and gamma-secretase. In a major breakthrough, scientists discovered that, depending on which enzyme does the cleaving and where the cleaving happens, APP processing can follow one of two pathways that have very different consequences.

In one, considered the usual pathway, alpha-secretase cleaves the APP molecule within the portion that has the potential to become beta-amyloid. Cleaving at this site results in the release into the space outside the neuron of a fragment called sAPPa. This fragment may have beneficial properties, such as promoting neuronal growth and survival. The remaining APP fragment, still tethered in the neuron’s membrane, is then cleaved by gamma-secretase at the end of the beta-amyloid sequence. The smaller of the resulting fragments also is released, while the larger fragment remains within the neuron and is believed to enter the nucleus. No beta-amyloid is produced in this pathway.

In the second pathway, beta-secretase cleaves the APP molecule at one end of the portion that has the potential to become beta-amyloid, releasing a fragment called sAPPa. Then, gamma-secretase cleaves the remaining fragment at the other end of the beta-amyloid sequence. Following its cleavage at both ends, a beta-amyloid peptide is released into the space outside the neuron. This pathway spells trouble for neurons because the beta-amyloid peptide begins to stick together with other similarly cleaved beta-amyloid peptides. These small, soluble beta-amyloid clumps are called Aß-derived diffusible ligands, or ADDLs. The number of individual beta-amyloid peptides within ADDLs varies, but collectively, they are called “oligomers.” It is likely that some oligomers are cleared from the brain. If they cannot be cleared from the brain, they clump together with more beta-amyloid peptides and other proteins and cellular material. As the process continues, these clumps grow larger, becoming increasingly insoluble entities called protofibrils and fibrils. Eventually they coalesce into the well-known plaques that are characteristic of AD. The rate at which beta-amyloid aggregates to form plaques is likely to be slowed by lowering the rate at which it is made or by increasing the rate at which it is degraded or physically removed from the brain.

Being able to spell out with greater clarity the sequence of steps from APP to beta-amyloid peptides to plaques has allowed scientists to think in new ways about these AD players. Many scientists now think that oligomers may be the most toxic culprit, not plaques. This thinking also has allowed investigators to pursue avenues of related research that may ultimately lead to new AD treatments.

Four illustrations: APP sticks through the neuron's membrane.; Beta-secretase cleaves APP at one end of the beta-amyloid peptide.; Gamma-secretase cleaves APP at the other end.; Single beta-amyloid peptides clump into soluble oligomers. Eventually this clumping leads to plaques.

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Page last updated Jul 30, 2007

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