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Subgoal 3: Disseminate Accurate and Compelling Information to the Public, Scientific Community, and Health Care Professionals

To prevent or effectively manage chronic disease and maintain independence, patients, health care providers, and caregivers must have accurate and timely information they can use about changes that occur with aging and how to cope with health problems. NIA's award-winning Office of Communications and Public Liaison is expanding its communications with the general public, the research community, physicians, and other health care providers to enhance dissemination of the latest advances in geriatric medicine, aging research, and related health data. All media are being used to convey these messages, which include newspaper articles, bulletins and fact sheets, professional education material, public service announcements, and videos. In addition, NIA periodically launches national education campaigns, such as encouraging the public to seek more information about increasingly popular "anti-aging" therapies and keeping fit after 50 through exercise.

Health information and research findings also are available on NIA's Web site at or can be obtained by calling 1-800-222-2225. In addition, NIA's Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center, an information clearinghouse, is responding to a growing need for information on Alzheimer's disease, on its impact on individuals and families, and on research into its possible causes and cures. Professionals and members of the public can request information on Alzheimer's disease by calling 1-800-438-4380 or by visiting the ADEAR Web site at A recent addition to this Web site provides information about ongoing clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease and their recruitment status.

Page last updated Feb 16, 2008