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Subgoal 2: Develop and Sustain a Diverse NIA Workforce and a Professional Environment That Supports and Encourages Excellence

Senior NIA staff are strongly committed to worklife improvement as an ongoing process. All employees attend workshops on diversity and on prevention of sexual harassment. NIA's Quality of Work Life Committee works with employees to identify ways to improve their working environment. Alternative work schedules, such as flexitime and flexiplace, are available to many employees.

Because NIA operates in three locations (NIH campus, downtown Bethesda, and Baltimore), NIA makes effective use of videoconferencing equipment and electronic sharing of files. An information resources management committee ensures smooth transitions in upgrading computer equipment and software for NIA staff. All employees have easy access to computers and use of the Internet. NIA will continue to survey staff and provide other opportunities to improve the Institute as a workplace that respects all individuals and encourages professional development of all employees.

Page last updated Feb 16, 2008