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Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Graphs

History of Budget Authority and FTEs:
 Funding Levels by Fiscal Year in millions of dollars, bar graph -- 2004, 1021.4: 2005, 1052.0: 2006, 1045.2: 2007, 1045.9: 2008, 1047.1FTEs by Fiscal Year bar graph -- 2004, 409: 2005, 366: 2006, 378: 2007, 381: 2008, 386






Distribution by Mechanism:

FY 2008 Budget Mechanism pie chart (Dollars in thousands) -- Research Project Grants, 683000: Research Centers, 82000: Other Research, 34000: Research Training, 23000: R&D Contracts, 70000: Intramural Research, 101000: RM&S, 39000: NIH Roadmap, 14000

Change by Selected Mechanism:

FY 2008 Estimate, Percent Change from FY 2007 Mechanism bar graph -- Research Project Grants, -0.3: Research Centers, 0.0: Other Research, 1.9: Research Training, 0.0: R&D Contracts, 2.2: Intramural Research, -0.7: Res. Mgmt. & Support, 1.0: Cancer Control, 0.0: Construction, 0.0


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Page last updated Feb 16, 2008