The Y-12 Infrastructure Reduction program helps prepare the Y-12 National Security Complex for modernization.

Infrastructure Reduction

The Y‑12 Infrastructure Reduction program was formed to help prepare the Y‑12 National Security Complex for modernization. The Complex is being modernized through extensive reuse of existing facilities, construction of necessary new facilities, and removal of infrastructure not required to accomplish missions. For specifics about IR, read our Fact Sheet.

The first major milestone of the IR program, reducing the Y‑12 footprint by 500,000 sq. ft., was achieved in less than two years.

The Y‑12 Complex achieved a different type of milestone recently with the demolition of Building 9738: one million square feet have now been demolished since the IR program began in 2001. This achievement equates to more than 250 buildings or structures being removed from the operating footprint.

To stay in step with modernization, IR plans to demolish an additional 40 buildings over the next three years (equaling approximately 500,000 square feet) as the team determines how best to deploy available resources to realize Y‑12's long-term strategic goals (see Progress Report).

For information about demolitions — past, present, and planned — check out our Reduction Schedule, which includes links to presentation visuals on structures demolished or scheduled for demolition. Then see our Facilities & Infrastructure Initiative page with its links to images of structures removed under this program.

Follow IR's progress through stories linked from our Media Coverage page. And watch videos of demolitions in progress, view images available in our image gallery, or see posterettes publicizing our successes — all available on our Visuals & Videos page.