Top 25 Export Destinations For Precious Metal Jewelry
SIC 3911, FAS Value, U.S. Domestic Exports

Annual Data

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Japan 75,451 57,920 36,493 39,192 38,372 36,642 51,321 120,215 237,969 120,215 237,969 98.0%
Canada 28,444 44,363 58,445 61,214 64,751 74,545 80,068 88,508 141,784 88,508 141,784 60.2%
Netherlands Ant 9,631 11,230 12,599 12,892 13,424 22,282 53,547 85,358 109,041 85,358 109,041 27.7%
Mexico 16,491 17,017 23,207 7,048 11,201 13,940 53,184 96,710 105,273 96,710 105,273 8.9%
Hong Kong 22,048 17,997 25,204 29,920 20,418 20,934 26,520 61,793 98,411 61,793 98,411 59.3%
Switzerland 126,130 64,292 48,300 59,431 78,235 107,848 57,969 83,583 80,402 83,583 80,402 -3.8%
United Kingdom 17,698 15,937 15,536 12,442 13,762 22,351 26,643 49,306 69,279 49,306 69,279 40.5%
Germany 17,434 19,317 12,673 10,249 9,835 10,937 7,022 8,397 60,321 8,397 60,321 618.4%
Dominican Rep 6,408 9,083 14,676 3,318 4,188 8,548 18,970 24,186 47,322 24,186 47,322 95.7%
France 21,321 13,762 9,986 18,827 25,360 21,691 11,796 22,201 33,537 22,201 33,537 51.1%
Aruba 1,164 1,217 2,954 3,548 2,465 3,820 8,460 18,441 30,423 18,441 30,423 65.0%
Italy 8,897 9,778 7,153 2,841 5,552 44,418 9,687 12,653 22,581 12,653 22,581 78.5%
Thailand 41,297 45,381 34,701 41,614 16,058 3,185 2,347 3,660 16,301 3,660 16,301 345.4%
India 2,048 2,826 1,540 2,166 2,061 780 1,947 2,965 15,864 2,965 15,864 435.1%
Israel 4,129 1,450 2,931 3,315 10,492 5,244 12,833 15,021 13,860 15,021 13,860 -7.7%
Cayman Is 900 1,175 1,189 2,141 2,261 4,501 6,131 7,000 13,476 7,000 13,476 92.5%
Jamaica 5,598 4,678 2,842 4,001 2,901 7,106 8,117 13,077 11,665 13,077 11,665 -10.8%
Singapore 2,643 1,466 1,517 4,224 10,420 2,308 749 3,601 11,619 3,601 11,619 222.7%
Taiwan 3,364 2,358 2,251 2,542 775 1,489 778 2,627 10,095 2,627 10,095 284.3%
Australia 1,563 1,820 1,947 2,728 3,058 3,604 4,113 4,498 9,414 4,498 9,414 109.3%
Guadeloupe 290 195 101 620 1,039 722 2,689 7,344 8,896 7,344 8,896 21.1%
Korea 5,297 3,508 2,661 3,566 4,241 6,162 4,491 2,389 8,784 2,389 8,784 267.6%
United Arab Em 537 978 1,188 2,108 2,343 4,308 2,806 3,613 8,579 3,613 8,579 137.5%
Bahamas 2,663 2,793 2,843 2,420 4,773 4,638 5,274 5,015 6,220 5,015 6,220 24.0%
Peru 1,794 5,963 15,359 5,181 20,145 2,854 2,842 4,690 5,162 4,690 5,162 10.1%
Subtotal : 423,243 356,505 338,293 337,549 368,130 434,859 460,304 746,852 1,176,280 746,852 1,176,280 57.5%
All Other: 52,826 31,522 27,931 37,435 23,795 36,026 33,953 41,649 56,935 41,649 56,935 36.7%
Total 476,069 388,027 366,223 374,984 391,925 470,885 494,257 788,501 1,233,215 788,501 1,233,215 56.4%

Last Updated by JH on 3/8/01

Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.