Top 25 U.S. Export Destinations for Sofa Beds, Mattresses, and Foundations

SIC 2515     FAS Value    U.S. Domestic Exports   Annual Data

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Canada 14,839 13,031 12,234 10,330 9,577 9,857 13,959 11,886 13,816 11,886 13,816 16.2%
Mexico 3,017 2,341 4,312 2,106 2,244 1,908 3,165 4,552 5,545 4,552 5,545 21.8%
El Salvador 116 115 56 24 105 472 2,657 1,283 4,814 1,283 4,814 275.1%
Japan 1,235 1,735 7,655 9,840 17,871 14,948 12,405 13,759 4,468 13,759 4,468 -67.5%
United Kingdom 126 581 249 632 1,236 731 1,207 2,224 1,242 2,224 1,242 -44.1%
Germany 664 714 765 509 1,010 1,786 579 1,599 1,226 1,599 1,226 -23.4%
Sweden 493 346 129 27 548 1,003 990 817 1,164 817 1,164 42.5%
Brazil 10 217 104 389 1,578 1,732 2,281 1,156 1,131 1,156 1,131 -2.2%
Netherlands 1,147 1,783 1,767 1,782 1,891 1,342 1,740 668 1,042 668 1,042 56.0%
Jamaica 188 103 97 687 426 780 515 513 925 513 925 80.1%
Bermuda 487 430 356 518 468 631 577 793 909 793 909 14.7%
Bahamas 612 635 997 423 691 743 1,306 835 891 835 891 6.6%
Australia 214 113 135 648 248 294 656 436 764 436 764 74.9%
Dominican Rep 2,963 887 750 451 716 423 972 995 746 995 746 -25.0%
Kuwait 526 178 283 165 456 927 1,133 828 719 828 719 -13.2%
Singapore 57 121 724 1,460 1,256 1,677 663 638 690 638 690 8.2%
Iceland 197 327 221 207 499 722 957 1,015 670 1,015 670 -33.9%
Israel 303 226 381 644 810 2,119 1,974 766 587 766 587 -23.4%
Taiwan 378 1,038 978 1,357 927 1,803 1,223 349 542 349 542 55.3%
Venezuela 82 146 123 225 366 496 718 512 529 512 529 3.3%
Denmark 276 412 804 952 447 484 501 917 471 917 471 -48.7%
Turkey 224 93 0 90 46 0 30 4 405 4 405 8,907.7%
Hong Kong 354 656 167 708 610 738 971 466 403 466 403 -13.4%
Spain 162 74 51 43 14 507 145 225 375 225 375 67.0%
Honduras 9 41 143 96 171 119 91 361 349 361 349 -3.4%
Subtotal : 28,680 26,341 33,482 34,313 44,209 46,241 51,416 47,598 44,421 47,598 44,421 -6.7%
All Other: 6,220 7,541 10,599 12,964 12,279 16,370 9,617 8,846 5,056 8,846 5,056 -42.8%
Total 34,900 33,883 44,082 47,277 56,488 62,611 61,032 56,444 49,478 56,444 49,478 -12.3%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.
Last Updated by JF on 3-15-01