Top 25 Export Destinations for Total Household Furniture

SIC 251    FAS Value     U.S. Domestic Exports


Annual Data

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
Canada 562,426 566,115 564,342 627,133 537,123 632,496 720,889 709,246 793,938 709,246 793,938 11.9%
Mexico 125,673 127,586 179,631 76,954 88,428 106,297 175,269 186,500 269,692 186,500 269,692 44.6%
United Kingdom 34,346 34,763 37,992 31,217 43,733 55,007 68,374 88,088 97,145 88,088 97,145 10.3%
Japan 54,692 52,671 79,091 93,331 120,464 113,878 90,527 88,086 85,562 88,086 85,562 -2.9%
Saudi Arabia 70,604 79,455 75,578 56,976 55,792 63,932 68,013 56,055 56,505 56,055 56,505 0.8%
Germany 22,948 27,177 21,966 25,298 20,735 24,501 20,709 22,270 25,434 22,270 25,434 14.2%
Kuwait 13,720 13,660 14,762 16,645 19,965 27,646 26,218 23,515 21,208 23,515 21,208 -9.8%
Bahamas 10,881 13,260 12,986 12,655 14,903 12,976 18,639 14,759 18,821 14,759 18,821 27.5%
Turkey 2,618 3,433 5,044 3,965 9,092 10,175 10,468 7,554 16,992 7,554 16,992 124.9%
Netherlands 13,211 16,460 14,629 13,074 12,005 12,258 15,155 13,740 15,989 13,740 15,989 16.4%
France 17,768 11,878 13,864 13,845 14,512 12,297 12,769 10,980 15,685 10,980 15,685 42.9%
Venezuela 7,982 11,461 8,630 9,239 8,530 18,366 26,424 18,355 15,470 18,355 15,470 -15.7%
Australia 5,239 7,124 10,011 14,628 13,155 13,046 14,122 13,408 14,758 13,408 14,758 10.1%
Korea 5,103 5,407 14,827 23,765 24,475 24,502 6,704 10,081 14,636 10,081 14,636 45.2%
Jamaica 2,416 2,770 2,511 7,833 6,143 8,227 10,249 12,632 13,991 12,632 13,991 10.8%
China 1,396 3,500 4,890 5,867 7,267 9,085 11,808 12,528 13,674 12,528 13,674 9.1%
Dominican Rep 7,230 4,459 5,409 8,987 10,354 13,232 11,092 14,799 13,142 14,799 13,142 -11.2%
United Arab Em 6,931 7,183 7,736 10,792 15,026 14,285 18,452 12,723 13,100 12,723 13,100 3.0%
Italy 4,981 4,261 5,610 7,893 8,192 12,126 11,596 11,732 12,608 11,732 12,608 7.5%
Brazil 2,805 6,537 10,392 24,051 34,018 41,112 36,616 18,383 11,421 18,383 11,421 -37.9%
Israel 4,214 3,324 8,002 10,323 11,877 13,948 11,590 9,084 10,045 9,084 10,045 10.6%
Norway 2,724 6,423 7,869 10,711 15,590 15,198 14,340 10,500 9,551 10,500 9,551 -9.0%
Singapore 3,870 4,535 24,056 18,465 18,556 15,887 9,940 11,660 8,898 11,660 8,898 -23.7%
Taiwan 5,132 10,760 10,637 11,219 10,578 14,048 10,922 12,016 8,893 12,016 8,893 -26.0%
Bermuda 8,589 7,454 8,792 9,659 10,613 10,462 8,645 9,074 8,867 9,074 8,867 -2.3%
Subtotal : 997,499 1,031,656 1,149,258 1,144,526 1,131,129 1,294,990 1,429,530 1,397,771 1,586,024 1,397,771 1,586,024 13.5%
All Other: 115,524 151,708 157,779 175,702 195,101 234,917 211,520 202,564 183,906 202,564 183,906 -9.2%
Total 1,113,023 1,183,364 1,307,037 1,320,228 1,326,230 1,529,908 1,641,050 1,600,335 1,769,930 1,600,335 1,769,930 10.6%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.
Last Updated by JF on 3-15-01