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SAFETEA-LU Technical Corrections

(as of: 7/31/07)


1) HR 1195 – As Passed by the House (03/26/07)
2) HR 1195 – As reported by Senate Environment and Public Works (06/06/07)
3) HR 3248 – Conference Version (07/31/07)

The SAFETEA-LU technical corrections bill (H.R. 1195, 110th Congress) includes several amendments of interest to RITA.

Current status: HR 3248 on the House floor 08/01/07 under suspension of the rules.

Proposed Technical Correction H.R. 1195
(House T&I Version)
H.R. 1195
(Senate E&PW Version)
H.R. 3248
(Conference Version)
Surface Transportation Technical Corrections – amends 23 USC 101(a) to:
   • Provide a definition of “Transportation Systems Management and Operations” as a function eligible for Federal-Aid funding.
   • [Definition includes many elements of the ITS Program, including traffic surveillance, automated enforcement, traffic incident management, road weather services, and others]
Sec. 101 (g) Sec. 2 (g) Sec. 101 (h)
Future of Surface Transportation System [“the Commission”] – amends SAFETEA-LU sec. 1909(b) to:
   • Extend deadline for the final report from 07/01/07 to 12/31/07
   • Assign administrative responsibility from the FHWA Administrator to the Secretary
   • Eliminate reimbursable funding provisions
   • Increase the FY07 funding from $1.4M to $3.4M
   • Require that funds made available to carry out this section may be expended only to support the activities of the Commission
   • Require that “No data, analyses, reports, or any other documents prepared for the Commission to fulfill its duties may be provided to or shared with other commissions or task forces until such data, analyses, reports, or documents have been made available to the public”
Sec. 108 Sec. 8 Sec. 108
Highway Research Funding – amends SAFETEA-LU sec. 5101 to:
   • Fund SHRP-II Program from Title I (Federal-Aid) [the “funding fix”)
   • [Increase available funding for reimbursable Title V research programs, including UTCs and remote sensing]
Sec. 113 (a-e) Sec. 12 (a-e) Sec. 112 (a-e)
Highway Research Funding/University Transportation Research [UTC Program] – amends SAFETEA-LU sec. 5101(a)(4) to:
   • Correlate the overall level of UTC funding with the annualized authorizations in secs. 5401-02
   • Replace “69,700,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2009” with “$40,400,000 for fiscal year 2005, $69,700,000 for fiscal year 2006, $76,400,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 and 2008, and $78,900,000 for fiscal year 2009”
   • The total authorization for the program is not changed
Sec. 113 (b)(1)(b) Sec. 12 (b)(1)(b) Sec. 112 (b)(1)(B)
Highway Research Funding/University Transportation Research [UTC Program] – amends SAFETEA-LU sec. 5402  to:
   • Add a special rule exempting Tier II UTCs from needing to maintain total expenditures in excess of grant value [the URI/George Mason fix]
   • Increase program coordination funding from $400,000 to 1.5 percent of funding annually
Sec. 113 (g)(3) Sec. 12(g)(3) Sec. 112 (g)(3)
Research Technical Correction [UTC Program] – amends SAFETEA-LU sec. 5402 to:
   • Increase FY 2009 authorized funding for the ten regional UTCs from $2,225,000 to $2,250,000
Sec. 117 Sec. 17 Sec. 117

Efficient Use of Highway Capacity – study the impact of converting left and right highway safety shoulders to travel lanes, including:
   •  (1) analyze instances in which safety shoulders are used for general purpose vehicle traffic, high occupancy vehicles, and public transportation vehicles;
• (2) analyze instances in which safety shoulders are not part of the roadway design;
• (3) evaluate whether or not conversion of safety shoulders or the lack of a safety shoulder in the original roadway design has a significant impact on the number of accidents; and •
(4) compile relevant statistics.
Sec. 119 Not included Sec. 119
Transit Technical Corrections – amends sec. 3046(a)(7) to:
   • Replace “hydrogen fuel cell” with “hydrogen fueled”
   • [Allows Allentown, PA transit vehicles to be hydrogen-powered, not necessarily fuel-cell]
Sec. 201 (o)(5) Sec. 11 (17) Sec. 201 (o)(6)
Technical Amendments related to Hazardous Materials Transportation – amends the Mineta Act, sec. 5(b) to:
   • Add “including delegations by the Secretary of Transportation”
   • [Adds existing delegations to RITA and PHMSA to the Mineta Act’s “Savings Clause”]
Sec. 302 (g) Not included Sec. 302(h)
Repeal of National Surface Transportation Commission – repeals SAFETEA-LU,  sec. 11142 to:
   • Cancel the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission [the “second commission”]
Sec. 304 Not included Not included