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Integrated Safety Management (ISM)

The Office of Integrated Safety and Program Assurance (NE-43) performs various Integrated Safety Management (ISM) related functions, as well as mission and technical support activities, including maintaining operational awareness, monitoring site safety and health performance, and conducting oversight. Associated with these programmatic functions are:
  • The preparation of Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) Quarterly Safety Performance Reports for the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to the Under Secretary. This includes the coordination of input of site safety performance data, injury and illness statistics and other relevant information, the drafting of final reports, assembling background and supporting materials, and providing pre-briefings for NE senior management.

  • Routinely monitor, analyze, and evaluate safety and health performance data and related issues for NE sites. This includes the tracking and trending of the Occurrence Reporting System (ORPS) and the Computerized Accident/Incident Reporting System (CAIRS) data, independent and self-assessment assessment reports, as well as other operational safety and health performance information. Based on these reviews and evaluations, feedback and recommendations are presented to NE management.

  • Picture of Safety-Health Sign
    The review and assessment of site ISM implementation and effectiveness, including the monitoring of Integrated Safety Management Systems (ISMS) verification and annual maintenance activities, tracking and trending of associated performance issues, and providing recommendations on potential or emerging issues to cognizant management.

  • Providing industrial hygiene and occupational safety technical support to NE HQ and Field management, as appropriate. The scope of this support includes the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), FEOSH, VPP, ISMS, and Be Rule issues. NE-43 often represents NE in meetings, forums, workshops, etc., with the Department of Energy and external groups.
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Project Management Oversight
Integrated Safety Management
Environmental Compliance
Safeguards and Security
Nuclear Criticality
Emergency Response
Continuity of Operations