Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005


Training Materials


Conflicts of Interest and Government Employment (2002) (PDF) (TEXT) (8.5" x 14" landscape format) - This pamphlet provides a short discussion of the basic conflict of interest laws and regulations and focuses on the exemptions to 18 U.S.C. § 208 published by OGE at 5 C.F.R. part 2640.

Domestic Outreach Initiative (2000) (PDF) (8.5" x 14" landscape format) - This pamphlet describes OGE's involvement with various State, local, private, public, and educational organizations related to the Domestic Outreach mission; raising public awareness of Federal ethics policies and the applicable values.

Gifts Between Employees (1998) (PDF) (8.5" x 14" landscape format) - This pamphlet uses scenarios that frequently arise in the workplace to provide a brief overview of the gift rules in a conversational, question-and-answer format.

Gifts From Outside Sources (1998) (PDF) (8.5" x 14" landscape format) - This pamphlet also uses commonly occurring workplace scenarios to provide a brief overview of the gift rules in a conversational, question-and-answer format.

Rules for the Road (Revised 2007) (PDF) (HTML) (8.5" x 14" landscape format) - This pamphlet provides brief summaries of 18 U.S.C.§ 207, 18 U.S.C.§ 203 and the Procurement Integrity Act, and alerts employees to some other possible sources of post-employment restrictions.

Smooth Sales (1999) (PDF) (color) - A beginner's guide to Certificates of Divestiture.

Understanding the Revolving Door: How Ethics Rules Apply to Your Job Seeking and Post-Government Employment Activities (Revised 2007) (PDF) (HTML) (8.5" x 14" landscape format) - This pamphlet provides a general discussion about how the Federal ethics laws and restrictions may affect individuals, both while looking for a job and after leaving the Government.

U.S. Office of Government Ethics (2004) (PDF) (HTML) (8.5" x 14" landscape format)- This pamphlet provides a brief description of the history, structure and responsibilities of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics.