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News from King County Department of Transportation
Release date: 
Feb. 1, 2008


Help plan future of Dockton Road at Tramp Harbor

The King County Road Services Division is seeking applicants for a community advisory group that will provide input to the county about the upcoming Dockton Road preservation project on Vashon Island.

The seawall supporting the road in this location has deteriorated to the point where regular, small-scale maintenance repairs are no longer effective nor permitted by environmental regulating agencies. Failure of any portion of the seawall would result in closure of the adjacent roadway. The county is considering a variety of ideas to address this situation.

The advisory group will have 12 to 15 members representing a range of community stakeholders, including local residents or property owners, the unincorporated area council, local businesses, and Vashon-Maury Island community organizations. Its purpose is to advise the Roads Division about community impacts of the project and to evaluate the county’s public outreach. Meetings will be held three to four times a year on Vashon Island, usually on Thursday evenings, and will generally last for two hours.

To be considered for membership on the community advisory group, please fill out an application form and submit it by Friday, Feb. 22. The form is available online, and is also available from Barbara de Michele, community relations planner, by phone (206) 263-3792 or email.


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Updated:  February 01, 2008

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