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Mar. 26, 2008

March election a success, results finalized

King County Elections today certified the March 11, 2008 special election, which included eight ballot measures from five jurisdictions.

All absentee ballots were reconciled to zero. King County Elections began working toward Six Sigma goals in 2005 to benchmark against inventory discrepancies between the number of mail ballots received and the number of mail ballots counted. Six Sigma quality performance means no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities and is a quality practice used in Fortune 500 companies like General Electric, Motorola, and Bank of America.

Final results are available online.

Election results summary:
49,649 absentee ballots counted
5,000 poll ballots, of which 195 were provisional
54,649 total ballots cast

There will be no special election held in April, and jurisdictions have until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 28 to file resolutions for the May 20 ballot.

Updated: Wednesday, March 26, 2008
修訂日期: 3/26/2008

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