Department of Natural Resources and Parks - DNRP, King County, Washington
March 31, 2008

See how King County protects the environment; Check out the 2007 DNRP annual report online

King County residents can learn how their county's natural resources are managed by reading the Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP) 2007 annual report, "Environmental Stewardship in King County," now available online.

The report, which can be accessed via the DNRP Web site at, outlines many of the DNRP's activities and accomplishments during 2007. The department is comprised of four major divisions - Parks and Recreation, Solid Waste, Wastewater Treatment and Water and Land Resources. DNRP also houses the county's Geographic Information Systems Center.

Highlights for the year include:

  • Creating a countywide flood control zone district to address county flood protection infrastructure maintenance and repair needs;
  • Assisting Executive Ron Sims in developing a countywide climate change action plan;
  • Continuing progress at the Brightwater treatment plant construction site;
  • Nearing completion of the Shoreline Recycling and Transfer Station; and
  • Developing strong partnerships with community and corporate partners to improve the county's parks and trails.

 "The annual report is a great way for everyone to learn about the work we do day-in and day-out to protect the environment and make King County such a tremendous place to work, live and play," said DNRP Director Theresa Jennings.

"DNRP programs and employees received three dozen local, regional, national and international awards in 2007 – that's a strong statement about the high quality of work that is done everyday by our professional staff," Jennings said.

The 2007 report also includes updated performance measurements and financial information.

The mission of the King County DNRP is to: Foster environmental stewardship and strengthen communities by providing regional parks, protecting the region's water, air, land and natural habitats, and reducing, safely disposing of and creating resources from wastewater and solid waste.

A limited number of printed copies of the 2007 annual report will soon be available. Stakeholders who would like a printed copy mailed to them can contact DNRP by telephone at 206-296-6500.

Related Information:

King County's Department of Natural Resources and Parks

2007 DNRP Annual Report

Environmental Data and Trends