At the bottom of this page are links to access the 2007 FAIR Act inventory of the Department of Health and Human Services. The inventory is divided into sections, corresponding to the various components that make up the Department (known internally as "Operating Divisions" or "OPDIVS").

The official for HHS who coordinates all FAIR Act inventory activities is Mera Choi, and questions of a general nature may be addressed to her at 202-205-1341. Below is a table listing points of contact for each Operating Division. Questions about any specific portion of the inventory should be addressed to the appropriate contact person.

The FAIR Act permits an interested party to challenge the inclusion or exclusion of an activity from the inventory. Also listed below, under the appropriate Operating Division, is the official to whom such challenges should be addressed. Challenges must be in writing.

Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Inventory Questions: Shkeda Johnson, 202-401-5239
Inventory Challenges: Administration for Children and Families
Attn: Shkeda Johnson, Office of Administration
370 L'Enfant Promenade, 6th Floor East
Washington, D.C. 20447
FAX: 202-401-5450
Administration on Aging (AOA)
Inventory Questions: Sophia Hurt, 202-357-3413
Inventory Challenges: Administration on Aging
Attn: Sophia Hurt
1 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20201
FAX: 202-357-3471
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Inventory Questions: Alison Reinheimer, 301-427-1787
Inventory Challenges: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Attn: Jeffrey Toven, Acting Director, Office of Performance, Accountability, Resources and Technology (OPART)
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850
FAX: 301-427-1792
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (same as Centers for Disease Control, below)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Inventory Questions: Lorenzo Falgiano, 404-498-3438
Inventory Challenges: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Attn: James D. Seligman, Chief Information Officer
1600 Clifton Road
Mail Stop D14
Atlanta, GA 30333
FAX: 404-639-7113
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Inventory Questions: Robin Williams, 410-786-6408
Inventory Challenges: Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services
Attn: Renee Coleman
7500 Security Blvd.
Mail Stop C5-24-04
Baltimore, Maryland 21244
FAX: 410-786-7585
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Inventory Questions: David Humerick, 301-827-4033
Inventory Challenges: Food and Drug Administration
Attn: Irene Diehl
5600 Fishers Lane, PKLN RM759 HFA-400
Rockville, MD 20857
FAX: 301-443-6684
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Inventory Questions: Norma Brinkley-Staley, 301-443-1901
Inventory Challenges: Health Resources and Services Administration
Attn: Caroline Lewis, Acting Associate Administrator for Administration and Financial Management
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14-A-03
Rockville, MD 20857
FAX: 301-443-7829
Indian Health Service (IHS)
Inventory Questions: Athena Elliott, 301-443-6290
Inventory Challenges: Indian Health Service
Attn: Athena Elliott, Director, Office of Management Services
801 Thompson Avenue
Rockville, MD 20852
FAX: 301-443-2510
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Inventory Questions: Suzanne Servis, 301-496-1873
Inventory Challenges: National Institutes of Health
Attn: Suzanne Servis, Director, Office of Management Assessment
Office of the Director, NIH
6011 Executive Boulevard, Suite 601
Rockville, Maryland 20892
FAX: 301-480-1204
Office of the Secretary (OS)
Inventory Questions: Mera Choi, 202-205-1341
Inventory Challenges: Department of Health and Human Services
Hubert Humphrey Building
Attn: Mera Choi
Office of Business Transformation
200 Independence Ave., SW, Room 336-E, Cube 14
Washington, DC 20201
FAX: 202-690-6902
Program Support Center (PSC)
Inventory Questions: Creighton Glantz, 301-443-3239
Inventory Challenges: Program Support Center
Attn: Tim Brown, Acting Director, Administrative Operations Services
5600 Fishers Lane
Room 17A-13
Rockville, MD 20857
FAX: 301-443-0539
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Inventory Questions: Clinton Scott, 240-276-1126
Inventory Challenges: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Attn: Elaine Parry, Acting Executive Officer
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1073
Rockville, MD 20857
FAX: 240-276-1120

The FAIR Act also permits an interested party who is dissatisfied with the response to an inventory challenge to appeal the decision to the head of the agency. For all of HHS, the official designated to decide such appeals is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition Management and Policy. Appeals should be clearly labeled as such and sent, in writing, to the following address:

Department of Health and Human Services
Attn: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition Management and Policy
Re: FAIR Act Appeal
Hubert Humphrey Building, Room 328-E
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

Excel Spreadsheet
HHS 2007 Fair Act Inventory [XLS 4.88M]

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Last revised: September 8, 2008