The National Security Technology Center is a Work for Others program that develops, demonstrates and deploys security technologies for national defense.
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New Technologies

The National Security Technology Center (NSTC) has achieved notable successes in the design and development of innovative devices with wide-ranging national security applications. For more information, send email to NSTC.

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Access Rate Control System

Access Rate Control SystemDeveloped to support safeguards and security, ARCS is a fully mechanical, ready-to-install kit that controls the speed of a person's entry through full-height tunrstiles. The higher the speed, the more force is generated by ARCS on the rotor to slow the operator. At a preset normal entry speed, the operator can pass through with minimal rotor force, and ARCS freewheels on exit. This low-cost kit can be installed quickly on new or existing turnstiles. Its rugegd, maintenance-free design incorporates a solid attachment to the turnstile rotor shaft, eliminating the need for chain or belt drive and for tension adjustment or sensitive alignment in the field. Simple modifications can be made and fabricated to fit varous turnstile models.   video icon  Watch Video


BansheeCurrently in the packaging stage, Banshee is a non-lethal sonic pump that generates high-intensity sound waves in an effective, small and rugged system. Used for crowd dispersal and to generate intense temporary discomfort for an adversary, Banshee is a valuable tool for law enforcement, military personnel and security forces. Its sonic circuitry can generate up to 140 dB of sound intensity at adjustable frequencies between 15 HZ and 35 KHZ (ultrasound). Encased in a specially designed rubber ball, Banshee consists of electronic circuitry, a transducer and a power supply.

Chemical Agent Detector/Interrogator

Propelled Tactical Imaging SystemThis gun-like tool is an example of innovative technology — a true breakthrough for law enforcement. It detects ammonia; hydrogen sulfide; alcohol, toluene, xylene and other volatile organic vapors; Freon; propane; methane; typical combustible gas; gasoline and diesel exhaust; carbon dioxide; and ether. Easy to assemble, this device is rugged and reliable and has a powered sampling system. It is also a cost-effective technology.

Hydraulic-Powered Bolt End Cutter

Hydraulic-Powered Bolt End CutterThis high-power hydraulic tool can generate up to 5 tons of force on the cutting jaw. Actuated by an electric trigger placed ergonomically on the handle, the longer the momentary trigger is held open, the higher the force it will generate (up to 5 tons). This feature allows the tool to use only the minimum amount of power required to cut a bolt. The system automatically resets itself and the cutting jaw returns to the open position when the trigger is released.

Improvised Explosive Device Detection Software

Hydraulic-Powered Bolt End CutterCurrently in conceptual development, this software tool will predict the most likely locations for an IED detonation in a selected area. It combines elements essential to efficient analysis of diverse IED data and elements necessary for the concise presentation of probability of detonation based on user-defined scenarios and objectives. The elements essential to accomplishing this goal are: (1) a mathematics engine capable of generating regionalized, multivariable probability density functions describing the relationship of location, probability of IED presence (assembly, placement), IED detonation history, target value, target presence, etc; (2) an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI); and (3) a database with interfaces/hooks into the GUI and mathematics engine. Prediction of highest probability detonation locations is superior to attempting to defeat IEDs because neutralization approaches must constantly adapt to accommodate new IED technology.

Infrared Tactical Sensor

Propelled Tactical Imaging SystemCurrently in the packaging stage, ITS is activated when being scanned by infrared light frequency common to night vision systems or tactical targeting systems. This robust, sensitive and rugged Infrared sensor is the size of a shirt button and actually can be sewn onto clothing or attached to equipment to sense above-natural levels of Infrared light, which are invisible to the naked eye. An optional wireless transmitter or a wired connection will alert the individual being scanned. The wearer will hear an audible pulse (at variable intervals) through an earpiece. As the Infrared level intensifies or as it shines more directly toward the sensor, the pulse frequency increases to a constant beep, signaling full power or direct aim. ITS is watertight, small, extremely lightweight and rugged.

Integrated Route, Risk, Resource, Analysis and Allocation Model

Propelled Tactical Imaging SystemA decision support and probability based analysis tool, IR3AM downloads flights plan data of domestic and international flights and identifies critical infrastructure data along their routes. It then enables rating potential critical infrastructure targets as to the consequences of their loss. In addition, IR3AM provides a risk rating for individual flights to assist in allocation of law enforcement resources.

Interactive Vehicle Undercarriage Examiner

Interactive Vehicle Undercarriage ExaminerThe Interactive Vehicle Undercarriage Examiner (IVUE) is a revolutionary high-resolution camera system with pan and tilt ability for vehicle undercarriage inspection. IVUE is equipped with a unique ability to read vehicle identification numbers and other codes for access to vehicle data.

Metal Detector/SysChip™

Metal Detector/SysChipSysChip™ technology reduces the physical size of the metal detector's electronic circuitry to a 40‑pin Dual In-line Package (DIP) size of approximately 2 × 5/8 in. with a configuration to match a 40‑pin Integrated Circuit (IC) socket. The NSTC research team is currently developing more advanced models for use in detecting gases and radiation, and other versions are being designed. (SysChip is a Trade Mark of BWXT Y-12 LLC, Oak Ridge, Tenn.)

Portable Casualty Transfer Panels

Portable Casualty Transfer PanelsPortable Casualty Transfer Panels (PCTP) are being developed to quickly transform various transportation conveyances — including school buses, transit buses, light rail, and passenger railroad coaches — into evacuation vehicles for injured or special needs citizens following a disaster or a large-scale terrorist attack.

Propelled Tactical Imaging System

Propelled Tactical Imaging SystemThis 8- × 6‑in. wireless conceptual device has a wide-angle color video imaging system and can be propelled for short-distance travel. It contains three camera/transmitter systems and can transmit to an outside source. It flies quietly, lands gently, and is a valuable tool for urban-area combat and surveillance.

Solar Tactical Imaging System

Solar Tactical Imaging SystemCurrently in design, this small (about 8- × 2‑in.), lightweight, wireless surveillance and inspection tool can be carried by a person or fixed in location, using a retractable stand. The STIS is powered by a self-contained, fully retractable solar panel and also can use batteries as an alternative power source. The STIS provides a high-resolution color video image and has exceptional sensitivity for use in low-light-level conditions. The self-contained transmitter, with selectable frequency, enables multiple STIS units to be monitored remotely, providing excellent video surveillance of an extended area of interest.