A Y-12 Engineer loads a microwave furnace prior to a test melt. Y-12 is considered a world leader in microwave metal and ceramic processing technologies and has more than 50 patents and disclosures in the field of microwave research.


Safety, Hands‑on learning, Critical skills
[Image: Y-12 teaches military and emergency responders to detect and identify real nuclear materials.]

Y‑12 teaches military and emergency responders to detect and identify real nuclear materials. Click image for larger view.

For over 60 years, the United States has relied on Y‑12 to safeguard our nation's critical nuclear assets. Today, Y‑12 is using these skills to train military and emergency response units to detect and identify nuclear and radiological materials in the field and to perform their jobs in a contaminated environment.

What makes this training unique? Y‑12 uses actual nuclear and radiological materials in its field training to provide realistic, secure, safe, hands‑on learning.


Y‑12 personnel can provide expert instruction or serve as observers/evaluators during training. Our expertise includes:

  • Material accountability and handling
  • Health physics
  • Operation of detection and dosimetry equipment
  • “Hot line” procedures
  • Search and identification techniques, and
  • Decontamination.
Customized to Meet Unique Requirements

In addition to standardized courses, Y‑12 offers nuclear and radiological field training customized to meet your unique requirements and needs.

As part of its commitment to training, Y‑12 recently converted one of its former nuclear research facilities into a training venue. The building, with more than 20,000 ft² of high bays, hot cells, change rooms, research labs, control rooms and office spaces, can be configured for each customer's specific needs.