When items are excess to Y-12's needs, items are offered for sale to the general public.
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Auction Terms and Conditions

  1. Definitions. - The word "Government" as used herein shall mean the United States of America, and the word "Contracting Officer" shall mean the United States Department of Energy, its duly authorized representative or representatives. The word "Agent" shall mean the Government Contractor acting for the Department in selling the property. The word "Purchaser" shall mean the successful Bidder hereunder to whom award is made.
  2. Inspection. Bidders are invited and urged to inspect the property to be sold prior to submitting bids. Property will be available for inspection at the 1916-T2 Building located at 230 Warehouse Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Monday through Thursday (except holidays) from 7:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. and again from 12 noon till 3 p.m. The Agent and the Government will not be obligated to furnish any labor for such purpose. In no case will failure to inspect constitute grounds for a claim or for the withdrawal of a bid after opening.
  3. Condition of Property. All property listed herein is offered for sale "as is" and without recourse against the Agent or Government. The description is based on the best available information, but the Agent and the Government make no guaranty, warranty, or representation, expressed or implied, as to quantity, kind, character, quality, weight, size, or description of any of the property, or its fitness for any use or purpose. No claim will be considered for allowance or adjustment or for rescission of the sale based upon failure of the property to correspond with the standard expected; this is not a sale by sample.
  4. Payment. Payment of the purchase price or balance of the purchase price, if a deposit has been made or otherwise of the full purchase price, shall be made by cash, personal or company check; provided, however, the Agent reserves the right to require Bidder to replace personal or company check with cash, cashier's or certified check, bank draft, postal or express money order under circumstances deemed appropriate by the Agent. Checks must be made payable to B&W Y-12 L.L.C, Government Fund Account. Unless otherwise specified by the Agent, payment of the full purchase price must be made prior to the date specified for removal and prior to delivery of any property. If the successful Bidder fails to make full and final payment as herein provided, the Agent and the Government reserve the right, upon written notice to the successful Bidder, to place bidder in Default, place bidder's name on the default list and bar Bidder from future bidding opportunities for the period of two (2) years. The original Purchaser will in no way be released from full compliance with the terms and conditions of the sale by his resale of the property.
  5. Title, Risk of Loss, and Agent's or Government's Liability. Title to the property sold hereunder shall vest in the Purchaser only upon full payment being made to the Agent (in the case of personal check or company check after such check is honored) except that if the contract provides for loading to be performed by the Agent, the title shall not vest in the Purchaser until both loading and payment are completed. The Agent will furnish a certificate of release, Standard Form 97, for each piece of equipment requiring licensing by a state. On all purchases the agent will issue to the Purchaser written authorization to permit removal of property. After mailing notice of award, and before delivery of property to the Purchaser, the Agent and Government will be responsible for the care and protection of the property and any loss, damage, or destruction occurring during such period will be adjusted by the Agent by appropriate changes in the contract price. After delivery of property to the Purchaser, and before the date specified for removal, the Agent's and Government's responsibility will be limited to the exercise of reasonable care for the protection of the property. After the date specified for the removal of the property, all risk of loss, damage, or destruction from any cause whatsoever shall be borne by the Purchaser. In any case where liability of the Agent or Government to the Purchaser has been established, the Agent or Government's liability shall not, in any event, exceed refund of the purchase price or such portion thereof as the Agent may have received.
  6. Delivery and Removal of Property.
    1. The Purchaser shall be entitled to obtain the property upon vesting of title of the property in him, unless otherwise specified. Delivery shall be at the designated location, and the Purchaser shall remove the property at his expense. The Purchaser must make all arrangements necessary for packing, removal, and transportation of property. The Agent will not act as liaison in any fashion between the Purchaser and carrier, nor will the Agent recommend a specific common carrier. Loading will only be performed as set forth in the Invitation, and unless otherwise provided in the Invitation, loading will not be performed on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Federal holidays, or any day that the installation where the property is located is closed. Where it is provided that the Agent will load, the Agent will make the initial placement of the property on conveyance(s) furnished by the Purchaser and the initial placement on the Purchaser's conveyance shall be as determined by the Agent. Unless otherwise provided in the Invitation, the Agent will not block, chock, brace, lash, band, or in any other manner secure the cargo on such conveyance(s) furnished by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall reimburse the Agent or the Government for any damage to Government property caused by the removal operations of the Purchaser. If the Purchaser fails to remove the property within the specified time, the Agent or the Government shall have the right to charge the Purchaser and collect upon demand a reasonable storage charge if the property is stored on premises owned or controlled by the Government; or store the property elsewhere for the Purchaser's account, and all costs incident to such storing, including handling and moving charges, shall be borne and paid by the Purchaser; in addition to the foregoing rights the Agent or the Government may, after the expiration of thirty (30) days after the date specified for removal, and upon ten (10) days written notice, (calculated from the date of mailing) to the Purchaser (which ten (10) days written notice may, at the option of the Agent or the Government, be included either partly or wholly in the thirty (30) days specified above or may be in addition thereto), resell the property, applying the proceeds therefrom against the storage and any other costs incurred for Purchaser's account. Any details regarding removal of the property as may not be provided for herein shall be arranged with the authorized representative of the Agent, which arrangements shall be reduced to writing.
    2. Where it is provided in the Invitation that the Agent will not load or that the Purchaser will load, the Purchaser will make all arrangements and perform all work necessary to effect removal of the property. The Purchaser shall remove the property at his expense within the period of time allowed in the Invitation. If the Agent determines that the failure to remove the property within the period of time originally allowed arose out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Purchaser, such determination shall be reduced to writing, and a reasonable extension of time for removal shall be allowed. Such causes may include, but are not restricted to acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and severe weather. If the Purchaser is permitted to remove the property after the expiration of the time originally allowed for removal or any additional time allowed by the Agent pursuant to this clause, the Agent, without limiting any other rights which it may have, may require the Purchaser to pay a reasonable storage charge. The Purchaser shall reimburse the Agent for any damage to Government property caused during the removal operations by the Purchaser or his authorized representative.
    3. Items purchased under the Invitation will be released only to the Purchaser or his authorized representative. The authorized representative must furnish authorization from the Purchaser to the Custodian of the property at the property location before any delivery or release will be made. When property is described as being boxed, packed, crated, skidded, or in containers, the Agent does not warrant that the property, as packaged, is suitable for shipment.
    4. Segregation, culling or selection of property for the purpose of effecting partial or increment removals will not be permitted except as specifically authorized and prescribed by the Agent.
  7. Adjustment for Variation in Quantity or Weight. Any variation between the quantity or weight listed for any item and the quantity of such item tendered or delivered to the Purchaser will be adjusted on the basis of the unit price quoted for such item, but no adjustment for such variation will be made where an award is made on a "price for the lot" basis.
  8. Verbal Modifications. Any oral statement by any representative of the Agent or Government, modifying or changing any condition of this contract, is an expression of opinion only and confers no right upon the Purchaser.
  9. Officials not to Benefit. No Member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or to any benefit that may arise therefrom, unless it be made with a corporation for its general benefit.
  10. Assignments of Contracts. Any subcontract awarded under the Invitation is subject to the provisions of 41 U.S.C. 15 which generally precludes assignment of such contract.
  11. Claims Liability. By reason of the Seller entering into this contract as agent for the Government, the Purchaser is considered a "Contractor" within the meaning of Section 2(4) of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) and this contract is subject to such Act. If a dispute arises relating to this contract, the purchaser may submit a claim to the contracting Officer of Seller's Contract Number DE-AC05-00OR-22800 with the Government who shall issue a written decision on the dispute. A claim by the Seller against the Purchaser shall be subject to a decision by the Contracting Officer of Seller's Contract Number DE-AC05-00OR-22800 with the Government.
  12. Withdrawal of Property after Award. The Agent reserves the right to withdraw for its use any or all of the property covered by this subcontract, if a bona fide requirement for the property develops or exists prior to actual removal of the property from Government control. In the event of a withdrawal under this condition, the Agent shall be liable only for the refund of the subcontract price of the withdrawn property or such portion of the subcontract price as it may have received.
  13. Eligibility of Bidders. The Bidder warrants that he/she is not:
    1. Under 18 years of age;
    2. An employee of an agency of the Federal Government (either as a civilian or as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, including the United States Coast Guard, on active duty) prohibited by the regulations of that agency from purchasing property sold hereunder;
    3. An Agent or immediate member of the household of the employee in B. above. For breach of this warranty, the Agent shall have the right to annul this subcontract without liability.
  14. Persons Prohibited from or Limited in Bidding. If the Bidder is an employee of the Agent, the U.S. Department of Energy, or a cost-type contractor of the U.S. Department of Energy, he hereby represents that he:
    1. has not participated in the Agent's determination to dispose of the property;
    2. has not participated in the preparation of the property for sale;
    3. Has not participated in determining the method of this sale;
    4. Has not acquired information, not otherwise available to the general public, regarding usage, condition, quality, or value of the property. FPMR 109-45.302-50.
  15. Export Administration.

    Export Control. Personal property purchased from the U.S. Government may or may not be authorized for export from the U.S. to a foreign country. If export, is allowed, the Purchaser is solely responsible for obtaining all required clearances or approvals. The Purchaser also is required to pass on this information and any other DOE-provided export control guidance if the property is resold (including domestic retransfers) or otherwise disposed.

    The use, disposition, export and re-export of this property is subject to all applicable U.S. laws and regulations, including the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.); the Export Administration Act of 1979 (560 U.S.C. App. �2401 et seq.); Assistance to Foreign Atomic Energy Activities (10 CFR Part 810); Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material (10 CFR Part 110); International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR Part 120 et seq.); Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR Part 730 et seq.); Foreign Assets Control Regulations (31 CFR Part 500 et seq.); and the Espionage Act (37 U.S.C. 791 et seq.), which among other things, prohibits:

    1. The making of false statements and concealment of any material information regarding the use or disposition, export or re-export of the property; and
    2. Any use or disposition, export or re-export of the property, which is not authorized in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.

    Proliferation Sensitive Property Acknowledgement. In the event that proliferation sensitive property, as identified on the U.S. Munitions List (22 CFR 121) or the International Atomic Energy Agency Information Circular (INFCIRC) 254 Part 1 (the Trigger List), is inadvertently included in this sale, the Purchaser agrees that the sale is void, and, if such property has been received by Purchaser, that Purchaser will return the property to B&W Y‑12 National Security Complex/NNSA/DOE. If payment has been made, the purchase price only shall be refunded to the Purchaser.