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Y-12’s People

The Y‑12 workforce demographics and skills mix must meet the needs of the future as Y‑12 moves rapidly toward modernizing its facilities and technology. Y‑12 is committed to developing the workforce and their skills at the same pace as facilities/infrastructure modernization and the infusion of new technology.

Efforts are under way to capture existing knowledge where possible. To attract new, talented personnel, active college recruiting, mid-level recruiting for specific expertise, a rigorous succession program, and co‑op and mentoring programs are being instituted.

The Y‑12 family doesn't stop at our gates. Our employees reach out to help the surrounding community through a wide variety of company-sponsored projects. Notable examples — including various efforts for United Way, Volunteer Day, Habitat for Humanity, and Safety Expo — are described in Community.

The "Y‑12 Employees and Community" section of The Y‑12 Report, provides numerous stories indicating our progress in workforce modernization and community outreach. To read any of these, click the issue of the report under which the titles are listed.

Volume 1, Issue I (June 2004)

  • Meeting Y‑12’s Future
  • Mentoring the Y‑12 Way
  • Partnering on Carver Project
  • Improving Employee Communications
  • Y‑12 Mentors MS Technology, Inc.
  • Students Explore Panama Rainforest
  • Company Establishes University Scholarship
  • Volunteers Build Campsites for Great Smokies Park
  • Y‑12 Elves Bring Holiday Smiles

Volume 1, Issue 2 (January 2005)

  • Union Ratifies Contract
  • Employees Follow Stars
  • Habitat Homes Take Shape
  • It’s the Law
  • Four Generations of Dedication