Nanomaterial ES&H

Department of Energy (DOE) Nanoscale Science Research Centers

On February 27, 2007, the directors of the DOE’s five Nanoscale Science Research Centers chartered an Environment, Health, and Safety Working Group to develop a recommended strategy for establishing an ES&H program for nanotechnology research that protects workers, the environment, and the public. The working group, with input from health and safety experts in the Department, developed such guidance, Approach to Nanomaterial ES&H, for application to all of the Nanoscale Science Research Centers. The document covers Conceptual Foundations, Routine R&D Laboratory Operations, Medical Surveillance, Transportation of Nanomaterials, Management of Nanomaterial-Bearing Waste Streams, Management of Nanomaterial Spills, and an Example Industrial Hygiene Sampling Protocol.

The approach embodies Integrated Safety Management, reinforces compliance with the DOE Policy 456.1, “Secretarial Policy Statement on Nanoscale Safety," expects adherence to site-specific implementation plans for P 456.1, and conforms with the general principle in the National Research Council’s Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories, by treating nanomaterials as though they are a toxic and otherwise hazardous material until empirical evidence shows otherwise.

Additional information is available on the Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Safety Special Interest Group (IH/OS) Special Interest Group (SIG) nanotechnology web pages