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Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)


New Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services website coming soon!


All Vermonters regardless of level of hearing loss shall have access to the full range of services offered at Agency of Human Service (AHS).

What’s the purpose for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services?

    • There are 625,935 people living in Vermont.

    • Approximately 2,000 people are Deaf.

    • Approximately 56,000 are Hard of Hearing

    • Total people with hearing loss living in Vermont: 58,000

DHHS serves these individuals with hearing loss to ensure they have equal access to the services of all departments, divisions and programs within AHS.

System Advocacy

  • Work closely with department Commissioners/Directors to ensure all programs/services within Agency of Human Services (AHS) and other agencies are accessible to Deaf and Hard of Hearing customers and are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • Act as point person between AHS and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community by sharing information on services, training opportunities, public hearings and other information offered within AHS that may benefit the community.

  • Work closely with different department Commissioners/Directors in modifying policies related to accessibility for Deaf and Hard of Hearing customers.

  • Participate in boards to address needs for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

  • Identify gaps in service and develop programs to meet such gaps.


  • Provide resources on hearing loss to AHS staff, parents, teachers, and other service providers.

  • Provide education/training on hearing loss to AHS staff on interpreter issues, assistive devices, Deaf Culture, communication tips, etc.

  • Advise on difficult cases to AHS staff to ensure that the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened and Deaf Blind are receiving appropriate service.


  • Needs Assessment for Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind (2008)
    In the Spring of 2007, the director of Vermont’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services convened an informal Task Force to assess the needs of individuals who are Deaf-Blind and to find ways to address gaps in services. The Task Force held a Needs Assessment Forum that would offer an opportunity for individuals who are Deaf-Blind to openly express their needs and concerns in a fully accessible environment. This is a summary of findings from the Forum.


Upcoming Events

A listing of Upcoming Events can be downloaded here.

Helpful Resources

  • Deaf Vermont
    Deaf Vermont provides information on social events, conferences/workshops, and other happenings within the Vermont Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community.

  • Gallaudet University
    Is the only liberal arts university in the world for the deaf and hard of hearing.

  • Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)
    Hearing Loss Association of America provides resources, advocacy, research, public awareness and service delivery related to hearing loss on national and global level.

  • Vermont Relay Service
    The Vermont Telecommunications Relay Service is a free service for all Vermonters, connecting deaf, hard-of hearing, deaf-blind and speech-disabled individuals with users of regular telephones. Whether calling on a standard telephone or a text telephone (TTY, a special phone with a typewriter-style keyboard), relay makes communication simple, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

  • Vermont Interpreter Referral Services (VIRS)
    The Vermont Interpreter Referral Service provides statewide interpreter and CART referral services for American Sign Language (ASL)/spoken English/oral interpreting assignments in settings such as medical, legal, mental health, employment, educational, civil and recreational situations.

  • VocRehab
    VocRehab assists with employment, training, support etc.

Contact Information

    Carrie Foster, Director
    Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services
    Agency of Human Services
    Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living
    103 South Main Street, Weeks Building
    Waterbury, VT 05671-1601

    Phone Numbers:
    Voice Phone: 1-800-878-5209
    Video Phone: 802-241-4532
    TTY: 802-241-3557
    Fax: 802-241-2325

Please note: When using the term Deaf and Hard of Hearing this also includes Late Deafened and Deaf Blind individuals.

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