The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

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 Truman Fellows Program


Truman Fellows Program 

The Truman Scholarship Foundation, a federal agency designed to develop our next generation of public service leaders, has established a fellowship program to further encourage our Scholars' interest in federal government service.  The Truman Fellows Program allows 24 Truman Scholars, all college graduates gaining employment experience before graduate school, to participate in an inspiring yearlong program in Washington, D.C.

Our program has two core components:

  • Public Service Employment---Each Truman Fellow will be placed in a federal agency or an NGO with assignments that closely align with the Fellow's long-term interests.  The Fellow's salary will be paid by the employing agency.  Employment could be extended beyond the initial year if the Fellow and the employing agency come to a mutual agreement for further employment.

  • Graduate Education---Fellows will take a two-semester course offered through George Mason University.  The program combines team learning assignments, lectures, individual papers and presentations.

Beyond the two core components, the Truman Foundation will provide each Fellow with:

  • Mentors--Each Fellow will be matched with a senior public servant for shadowing, career counseling and advice.  This relationship should foster a richer understanding of Washington D.C. and the nature of public service work. 

  • A Public Service Project---The class of 24 Fellows will participate in a community service project focusing primarily on one public sector organization or school.

The anticipated benefits of the Truman Fellows Program for the participating NGO or Federal Agency include:

  • A bright, innovative, and motivated public servant committed to the mission of the Federal Agency or NGO.

  • Easy and efficient hiring of the Fellow through the Foundation's specific hiring authorities.

  • Support and development for both the Fellow and the Agency or NGO by the Truman Foundation.

The anticipated benefits of the Truman Fellows Program for the participating fellows include:

  • A more robust understanding of public sector work and increased interest in federal government service.

  • Practical application of their educational interests through substantive work experience.

  • Preparation for both their career and graduate school education in a vibrant and supportive environment.

If your organization is interested in hosting one of our Fellows, or would like more information about our program, please contact Ruth Keen, Fellows Program Director, at or 202.395.7433.

  • 712 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20006
  • Phone: (202) 395-4831 Fax: (202) 395-6995
  • Email: