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Aug. 24, 2006

For thousands of voters with disabilities, Independence Day is Sept. 19

King County promotes new equipment to commuters

Metro buses will soon carry advertising about new equipment that will for the first time allow blind or disabled voters to truly cast a secret ballot when they vote next month. The ads are part of a month-long public information campaign to inform voters about changes at the polls this fall.

The accessible voting units, or AVUs, will give voters with limited or partial sight or other physical disabilities the chance to vote a secret and independent ballot for the first time. Until now, voters who are blind have had to rely on a family member or friend to cast their ballot.

Accessible voting units won’t replace paper ballots at the polls, but rather give all voters another method to cast their ballot independently and in private. Each AVU is equipped with a voter-verifiable paper audit trail that prints a paper copy of the voter’s choices and allows the voter to confirm their votes before casting their ballot. King County Elections will maintain those paper records for auditing and recount purposes.

As required by the federal Help America Vote Act, the new accessible voting units will be installed at all 508 polling places throughout King County during the Sept. 19 primary and Nov. 7 general election.

More than 1500 ads will appear on Metro buses in both English and Chinese throughout King County.

Quick facts about King County’s accessible voting units:

What is an accessible voting unit (AVU)?
The accessible voting unit is equipped with audio and visual technology that allows voters with limited vision and physical disabilities to vote a truly secret ballot for the first time.

Why is King County doing this?
Federal law requires one accessible voting unit at every polling place across America starting in 2006. The equipment will give voters with partial or limited vision and disabilities the chance to vote a secret ballot.

Will the accessible voting units replace paper ballots at the polls?
No. Voters who cast a ballot at the polls can choose to cast their ballot on a regular paper ballot or an accessible voting unit. The new equipment offers a touch screen ballot and an audio ballot in both English and Chinese.

Are the new accessible voting units secure?
Yes. Each accessible voting unit used in King County is equipped with a voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT). The VVPAT is a printed version of the ballot choices that the voter registers directly on the screen or with the numerical keypad. The VVPAT is safeguarded in a sealed security canister and becomes the official ballot in the case of a hand recount.

Prior to the election, each unit is publicly tested and secured for use in the primary. The entire vote tabulation system must meet both federal and state voting systems standards and must be certified for use by the Secretary of State.

Can someone find out how I voted?
No. The AVU machine encrypts ballot selections and scrambles the ballot order, leaving no connection between the voter and his or her recorded vote. All passwords and ballot styles are programmed by official county elections staff before election day and the machines are locked and secured with a tamper-evident seal.

For more information, please visit the King County Elections Web site at or call 206-296-VOTE (8683).

Exterior bus ad:
Accessible voting for everyone: for thousands of voters with disabilities, Independence Day is September 19. For information about accessible voting in the Primary, call 206-296-VOTE.

Interior bus ad:
Accessible voting for everyone: Accessible voting equipment is available at the polls. Easy to read, larger, and high contrast ballot text, audio ballot options available in English and Chinese, Tactile pieces available to assist blind voters. For information about accessible voting in the Primary, call 206-296-VOTE.

Learn more about accessible voting at

Updated: Aug. 28, 2006
修訂日期: 2006/08/28

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