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The RBOG program promotes sustainable economic development in rural communities with exceptional needs through provision of training and technical assistance for business development, entrepreneurs, and economic development officials and to assist with economic development planning.

How much are the grants?
The maximum grant for a project serving a single states is $50,000. The maximum grant for a project serving two or more states is $150,000.

Who is eligible?
Rural public bodies, rural nonprofit corporations, rural Indian tribes, and cooperatives with primarily rural members that conduct activities for the mutual benefit of the membership are eligible provided they have sufficient financial strength and expertise to carry out the activity to be funded.

Define Rural
Any area other than a city or town with a population of greater than 50,000 and the urbanized area contiguous and adjacent to such a city or town according to the latest decennial census. In addition certain communities are given high funding priority including those suffering from natural disaster, fundamental economic structural change, persistent poverty, long term population decline or job deterioration.

What types of projects are eligible?
The RBOG program is primarily a training and technical assistance program. Funds may be provided for development of export markets; feasibility studies; development of long term trade strategies; community economic development planning; business training and business based technical assistance for rural entrepreneurs and business managers; establishment of rural business incubators; and assistance with technology based economic development. The types of projects that may be funded might include identification/ analysis of business opportunities that will utilize local material and human resources; provision of leadership development training to existing or prospective rural entrepreneurs and managers; business support centers; centers for training, technology and export trade; and, economic development planning;

How to Apply
To apply for funding for the RBOG program, please contact your Rural Development State Office.

Availability of funds
Each year, Congress provides program funding as called for in the Federal Budget. Fiscal Year funding levels will be made available as soon as possible after the beginning of each Fiscal Year.

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