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Previous Genomic Sequencing Targets

February, May, September 2006
February, May, September 2005
June 2004
Medical Sequencing Diseases

September 2006

At the end of September 2006, the Council approved the following consensus recommendation of priorities for the NHGRI sequencing program:

Project of Species Name Genome Size (Mb) Project Description
Mammalian Genomes
Macaca mulatta (Macaque) 3,000 Y chromosome refinement
Callithrix jacchus (Marmoset) 3,000 Y chromosome refinement
Rattus norvegicus (Rat) 3,000 Y chromosome refinement
Bos taurus (Cow) 3,000 Y chromosome refinement
Monodelphis domestica (Opossum) 3,000 Y chromosome refinement
Non-Mammalian Genomes
Tilapia Cichlid 4 species,
each 106
Draft assembly of tilapia,
2-fold coverage of 3 species
Strongylid Worms 10 species,
each 55
Draft assembly of 5 species,
2-fold coverage of 3 species
Evolution of the Proteome
(Painted turtle, Coelacanth, Spotted gar, Hagfish and Skate)
5 species,
each vary
Draft assembly

May 2006

At the end of May 2006, the Council approved the following consensus recommendation of priorities for the NHGRI sequencing program:

Project of Species Name Genome Size (Mb) Project Description
Mammalian Genomes    
Nomascus leucogenys (Gibbon) 3,000 Draft assembly
Dasypus novemcinctus (Armadillo) 3,000 Draft assembly
Felis catus (Cat) 3,000 Draft assembly
Cavia Porcellus (Guinea Pig) 3,000 Draft assembly
Loxodonta africana africana (Elephant) 3,000 Draft assembly
Myotis lucifugus (Little brown bat) 3,000 Draft assembly
Tupaia belangeri (Tree shrew) 3,000 Draft assembly
Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit) 3,000 Draft assembly
Non-Mammalian Species    
Dermatophyte fungi (5) 5 species, each 30 Draft assembly of 3 species, 2-fold coverage of 2 species
Origins of Multicellularity Project (10) 10 species, each vary Draft assembly of 5 species, 2-fold coverage of 5 species
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast) Up to 35 species, 12 each 10 strains to full draft, 2-fold coverage of up to 25 stains coverage

February 2006

At the end of February 2006, the Council approved the following consensus recommendation of priorities for the NHGRI sequencing program:

Species Genome Size (Mb) Project
Mammalian Species    
Elephantulus sp.(Elephant Shrew) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Dermoptera sp. (Flying lemur) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Tursiops truncates (Dolphin) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Equus caballas (Horse) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Llama sp. (Llama) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Cryptomys sp. (Mole) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Microcebus murinus (Mouse Lemur) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Ochotona sp. (Pika) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Dipodomys sp. (Kangaroo rat) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Tarsier syrichta (Tarsier) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage
Pongo pygmaeus (Orangutan) 3,000 BAC Sequencing
Macaca mulatta (Macaque) 3,000 BAC Sequencing
Callithrix jacchus (Marmoset) 3,000 BAC Sequencing
Nomascus leucogenys (Gibbon) 3,000 BAC Sequencing
Homo sapiens (Human) 65,000 0.4-fold fosmid-end sequencing of 39 individuals; fully sequence a subset of clones

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September 2005

At the end of September 2005, the Council approved the following consensus recommendation of priorities for the NHGRI sequencing program:

Species Genome Size (Mb) Project
Mammalian Genomes    
Gallus gallus(Chicken) 3,000 Genome refinement
Rattus norvegicus (Rat) 3,000 Genome refinement
Canis familiaris (Dog) 3,000 Genome refinement
Non-Mammalian Species    
Taeniopygia guttata (Zebra finch) 1,200 Full draft genome
Anolis carolinensis (Anolis lizard) 2,200 Full draft genome
Lutzomiya longipalpis (Sandflies) 300 BAC library construction; BAC-end sequencing
Phlebotomus papatasi (Sandflies) 170 BAC library construction; BAC-end sequencing
Apis mellifera (Honeybee) 280 Refinement of draft genome; additional ESTs and 0.2X coverage of Africanized honeybee
P. h. humanus (Body lice) 107 Full draft coverage for one subspecies (Pediculus humanus)
Human gut microbiome Varies per organism; total equivalent to ~300 Mb Sequence draft genomes of 100 bacterial commensals from human gut

May 2005

At the end of May 2005, the Council approved the following consensus recommendation of priorities for the NHGRI sequencing program:

Species Genome Size (Mb) Project Raw Sequence Production Required (Q 20 MB)
Mammalian Genomes      
Nomascus leucogenys(gibbon) 3,000 BAC-end sequencing 300
Microchiroptera sp. (microbat) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Spermophilis tridecemlineatus (squirrel) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Otolemur garnetti (bushbaby) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Choloepus or Bradypus sp. (sloth) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Cynopterus sp. (megabat) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Procavia capensis (hyrax) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Manis sp. (pangolin) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Tupia sp. (tree shrew) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Non-Mammalian Species      
Anopheles gambiae (mosquito: two molecular forms) 260 each strain High-quality draft and assembly 3,120
Heterorhabditis bacterophore (nematode) 40 High-quality draft and assembly 2,400
Taeniopygia guttata (zebra finch) 1,200 Physical map, BAC-end sequencing, Full sequencing of 50 BAC clones 50

February 2005

At the beginning of February 2005, NHGRI Council approved the following consensus recommendation of priorities for the NHGRI sequencing program:

Organism Genome Size (Mb) Project Raw Sequence Production Required (Q 20 MB)
Primate Genomes      
Callithrix jaccus(marmoset) 3,000 High-quality draft and assembly 3,000
Non-mammalian Genomes      
Microchiroptera sp. (microbat) 3,300   3,300
Aplysia californica (sea slug) 1,800 High-quality draft and assembly 10,800
Rhodnius prolixus (bug; Chagas' vector) 670 High-quality draft and assembly 4,020
Acyrthosiphon pisum (Pea aphid) 300 High-quality draft and assembly 1,800
Nasonia vitripennis. (hymenopteran wasp) 350 High-quality draft and assembly 2,100
Acanthamoeba castellanii (free-living soil amoeba) 33 High-quality draft and assembly 198
Schizosaccharomyces octosporus (fission yeast) 14 High-quality draft and assembly 84
Batrachochytridium dendrobatidis (chytrid fungus) 20 High-quality draft and assembly 120
Schizosaccharomyces japonicus (fission yeast) 14 High-quality draft and assembly 84

NHGRI Council also approved a project to sequence 2,240,000 reads Rat SNPs at 650 bp average read length (1,456 Q20 Mb).

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June 2004

At the end of June 2004, the Council approved the following consensus recommendation of priorities for the NHGRI sequencing program:

Source Genome Size (Mb) Project Raw Sequence Production Required (Q 20 MB)
Mammalian Genomes      
Dasypus novemcinctus (armadillo) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Cavia porcellus (guinea pig) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Sorex araneus (European Common Shrew) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Loxodonta africana(African Savannah Elephant) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Erinaceus europeaus(European hedgehog) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Felis catus (cat)* 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Oryctolagus cuniculis.(rabbit) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Echinops telfairi (tenrec) 3,000 2-fold genome coverage 6,000
Primate Genomes  
Orangutan 3,000 High-quality draft and assembly 18,000
Non-mammalian Genomes      
Petromyzon marinus (sea lamprey) 2,070 High-quality draft and assembly 12,420
Biomphalaria glabrata (freshwater snail)*** 950 High-quality draft and assembly 5,700
Pristionchus pacificus (nematode) 100 High-quality draft and assembly 600
Trichinella spiralis (trichinosis vector) 270 High-quality draft and assembly 1,620
Hydra magnipapillata (hydra) 1,300 High-quality draft and assembly 7,800
Trichoplax adhaerens (placozoan)** 50 High-quality draft and assembly 300
Oxytricha trifallax (ciliate) 60 High-quality draft and assembly 360
Monosiga ovata (choanoflagellate) 39 High-quality draft and assembly 234
Physarum polycephalum (slime mold) 300 High-quality draft and assembly 1,800

*A whitepaper proposal for sequencing the genome of the cat (Felis catus) was submitted for review in October 2002.
Cat White Paper Proposal

**A whitepaper proposal for sequencing the genome of Trichoplax adhaerens was submitted for review in October 2002.
Trichoplax adhaerens

***A whitepaper proposal for sequencing the genome of Biomphalaria glabrata was submitted for review in October 2003.
Biomphalaria glabrata

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Medical Sequencing Diseases

Project Project Description
Uncloned, mapped autosomal Mendelian diseases Demonstration project: Sequence genes in seven intervals implicated in rare Mendelian phenotypes including Lymphedema-Cholestasis Syndrome (LCS), Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD), Vitreoretinopathy, neovascular inflammatory (VRNI), aka autosomal dominant neovascular inflammatory vitreoretinopathy (ADNIV), Joubert syndrome (JBTS1), Dominant restrictive cardiomyopathy, Thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD1), Atrial fibrillation (ATFB3), to identify variants responsible for disease
X-linked disorders Sequence all genes on X-chromosome from patient samples with X-linked disorders to identify variants responsible for disease
Allelic Spectrum of Common Disease Sequence genes already implicated in common disease in thousands of individuals to understand spectrum of variation and its contribution to common disease

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Last Reviewed: June 17, 2008

Print Version

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International Sequencing Consortium

The Mammalian Gene Collection

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