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NIGMS Workshop on Achieving Scientific Excellence Through Diversity

May 6-7, 2001
Bethesda, Maryland

Richard I. Morimoto, Ph.D., Workshop Chair
Marion M. Zatz, Ph.D., Workshop Organizer

NIGMS sponsored a workshop May 6-7, 2001, titled "NIGMS Workshop on Achieving Scientific Excellence Through Diversity." The goal of the workshop was to provide a forum to exchange information and discuss strategies for the recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority students in predoctoral graduate training programs. Approximately 175 invited participants from academic institutions across the country and from within NIH attended the workshop. The non-NIH participants included both administrative officials from institutions with funded NIGMS predoctoral training grants, program directors of these grants, and minority students. Almost all of the 75 institutions that have NIGMS predoctoral training grants were represented at the workshop, along with participants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Sloan Foundation.

Report of the NIGMS Workshop on Achieving Scientific Excellence through Diversity

May 6-7, 2001

Invited Participants
NIH Staff Attendees

Breakout Groups
List of Abstracts for Poster Session
This page last updated October 20, 2007