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National Geophysical Data Center


Baltimore Canyon Area, Outer Continental Shelf

Download B-2 Data   Download B-3 Data

The U.S. Geological Survey recently provided well logs and auxiliary reports and information from the COST (Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Text) Wells B-2 and B-3 to the National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. These data are now available for sale to the public.

COST WELL B-2. This first deep stratigraphic test well on the Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf was drilled by Ocean Production Company from December 1975 to March 1976 for a group of oil companies to help evaluate the petroleum potential in the Baltimore Canyon Trough before submitting bids for upcoming lease sales in the area. the well was drilled in 298 ft (91m) of water to a depth of 16,043 ft (4,890 m); results indicated a potential for oil and gas in Baltimore Canyon area.

COST WELL B-3. The second deep stratigraphic test well on the Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf was drilled by Chevron USA, Inc., from October 1978 to March 1979, for a group of oil companies to help evaluate the petroleum in the area before submitting bids for upcoming lease sales. The well was drilled in 2,686 ft of water to a depth of 15,820 ft and revealed reservoir rocks with good potential for oil and gas below 14,000 ft, and a significant show of gas in a sandstone interval between 15,744 and 15,752 ft.


High-resolution geophysical data were previously announced and made available for the Baltimore Canyon Through area (Lease Sales Nos. 40 and 49) through Announcements Filers 1979(V) and 1978(P-P). The raw data, technical reports, and the interpretative maps are available on microfilm and on paper, respectively.


COST Well No. B-2
The logs for Well No. B-2 are contained in one reel of 16-mm microfilm that also includes the computer-processed interpretation (Saraband). The technical report is available in microfiche. This report has also been published as U.S. Geological Survey Circular No. 750, Geological Studies on the COST No. B-2 Well, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Area, 71 pp., 1977, and contains information on geology, lithology, biostratigraphy, geothermal gradients, organic geochemistry, geophysics, and petroleum potential. It is available on microfiche from NGDC.

COST Well No. B-3
The logs, auxiliary information, and technical report for Well No. B-3 are contained in one reel of 16-mm microfilm. The report has also been published as U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report No. 79-1159, Geologic and Operational Summary, COST No. B-3 Well, Baltimore Canyon Through Area, Outer Continental Shelf, 118 pp., 5 plates, 1979. This illustrated report contains information on lithology, biostratigraphy, correlation with other wells, environment, seismics, geothermal gradient, cores, geochemistry, and petroleum potential.


Mud logs
Interpretive Sample Log
Pressure Logs Digital Velocity Conversion (SRS)
Dual Induction
Long-Spaced Sonic (LSS)
Compensated Neutron Formation Density
Compensated Formation Density (FDC)
High-Resolution Dipmeter (HRD)
Proximity Log-Microlog (PML)
Dual Laterolog (DLL)
Repeat Formation Tester (RFT) & Results


Core Studies Report
Geochemical Service Report
Daily and Final Drilling Reports
Biostratigraphy Report
Palynology Report
Carbon Isotope Data
Hydrocarbon Gas Analyses