Post Office Goes Batty!

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With Halloween on the way, bats are about to invade your local post office! Not real ones, of course, but bats are appearing on a new set of American Bat Stamps.

You can get the stamps at your local post office, online at, or by calling 800-STAMP-24.

Attention Teachers

The National Wildlife Federation is partnering with the U.S. Postal Service to offer a FREE online educator's guide to American Bats. This teacher's guide includes easy instructions for building a bat box, and other fun activities.

Other great programs for teachers:

Ranger Rick
  • SPECIAL DISCOUNT: Teachers are entitled to a special discount when you order a school-year subscription to Ranger Rick, for ages 7-12. Get nine issues for just $9! For this special rate, call 1-800-611-1599, and give the operator code P29RBATS.

    Download classic Ranger Rick articles on bats!

  • Schoolyard Habitats Program: Your students can make a difference! Learn how to restore wildlife habitat on your own school grounds, and how your school can become a certified Schoolyard Habitats® site.

  • Access Nature
  • Access Nature: An inclusive, habitat-based science curriculum, including indoor and outdoor hands-on activities for students with AND without disabilities. Order today, or download a FREE activity.

  • Keep the Wild Alive: Learn interesting facts about the Indiana bat and other imperiled species.

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