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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

20 November 2001

(To download a print-quality file of the photo of Dr. Larry Grisham, go to the end of this article.)

PPPL's Grisham Receives Kaul Prize

Larry Grisham

Plainsboro, New Jersey -- In recognition of his research contributions regarding the use of neutral beams for fusion applications, Larry Grisham, a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), received the Kaul Foundation Prize for Excellence in Plasma Physics and Technology Development. Grisham was honored during a ceremony and reception at the Laboratory today, Tuesday, November 20.

The award recognizes Grisham "for his distinguished contributions to the understanding and improvement of the first generation of high-power negative-ion-based neutral beams for fusion applications." In experimental fusion devices, a beam of neutral atoms is fired into hot, ionized fuel called plasma to increase the temperature for the production of fusion power.

PPPL Director Rob Goldston said, "Dr. Grisham is a world leader in the development of high-power atomic beams based on the production of the unusual negatively charged hydrogen ion. This is a critical technology for future fusion power plants. While the major technology development efforts in this area are based abroad, Dr. Grisham has nonetheless earned international recognition for his leadership in this area, resulting -- for example -- in his being asked to summarize the world program in negative-ion neutral beams at the last international conference on fusion energy. His work was essential for the success of the recent demonstration of efficient negative-ion neutral-beam current drive on the JT-60U tokamak in Japan." The tokamak is an experimental fusion machine.

Grisham, a physicist at PPPL since 1974, received a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Texas in 1971 and a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from Oxford University in England in 1974. He has been involved in numerous scientific collaborations in the U.S. and abroad; during the past 15 years he has traveled to Japan 36 times to participate in neutral-beam collaborations. Grisham is a 1971 Rhodes Scholar and Woodrow Wilson Fellow, and is the author or coauthor of about 190 papers. He lives in Lawrence Township.

Princeton University awards the Kaul Prize to recognize a recent outstanding technical achievement in plasma physics or technology development by a full-time, regular employee of PPPL. It includes a cash award of $2,000. Nominations for the award are submitted to the Prize Selection Committee, which includes the Princeton University Provost, the Chair of the Princeton University Research Board, the PPPL Director, PPPL Deputy Director, and PPPL Chief Scientist. This is the fifth time the prize has been given.

PPPL, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by Princeton University, is a collaborative national center for science and innovation leading to an attractive fusion energy source. Fusion is the process that powers the sun and the stars. In the interior of stars, matter is converted into energy by the fusion, or joining, of the nuclei of light atoms to form heavier elements. At PPPL, physicists use a magnetic field to confine plasma for research on fusion. Scientists hope eventually to use the energy produced by fusion for the production of electricity.

For further information, please contact:

Anthony R. DeMeo
Information Services
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
(609) 243-2755

Patricia Wieser
Information Services
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
(609) 243-2757

Downloadable print-quality photo of Dr. Grisham. Resolution is 222 dpi, print size is approximately 5 inches wide by 2.8 inches high. File type is jpeg. File size is 781 kB. Photographer: Elle Starkman, PPPL.

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Created: 20 November 2001