PPPL News Release Head

19 October 2005

(To download a print-quality photo file of Dr. Meade,
go to the end of this article.)

PPPL's Meade Receives
Fusion Power Associates Award

Meade Receives Fusion Power Associates Award Plainsboro, New Jersey — Dale Meade, a scientist who recently retired from the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), has been named a recipient of the Fusion Power Associates (FPA) 2005 Distinguished Career Award. Also receiving the award this year was Charles C. Baker, of the University of California, San Diego.

The awards were presented at the FPA annual meeting and symposium October 11–12 in Washington, D.C. They have been given since 1987 to individuals who have made distinguished, lifelong career contributions to fusion development.

In selecting Meade, the FPA Board recognizes his decades of "outstanding contributions to the fusion effort, including but not limited to his roles in leading the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) and Next Step Options programs and his inspirational guidance in the search for an affordable path to fusion power." TFTR, one of the world's largest and most successful experimental fusion machines, operated at PPPL from 1982 to 1997.

Before retiring Meade was Program Head of the PPPL Off-Site Research Department and led the Next Step Options Division. He came to PPPL in 1973 after serving as a professor of physics at the University of Wisconsin and was Deputy Director of the Laboratory from 1991 to 1997. From 1986 to 1991, he was Head of TFTR project and of Experimental Physics in the Research Department, and prior to that headed many experiments.

PPPL, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by Princeton University, is a collaborative national center for science and innovation leading to an attractive fusion energy source. Fusion is the process that powers the sun and the stars. In the interior of stars, matter is converted into energy by the fusion, or joining, of the nuclei of light atoms to form heavier elements.

Fusion Power Associates is a nonprofit, tax-exempt research and educational foundation that provides timely information on the status of fusion development and other applications of plasma science and fusion research.


For further information, please contact:

Anthony R. DeMeo
Head, Information Services
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
(609) 243-2755

Patricia Wieser
Information Services
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
(609) 243-2757

Downloadable print-quality photo of:

Dr. Dale Meade Resolution is 300 dpi, print size is approximately 3.6 inches wide by 4.2 inches high, file type is jpeg, and file size is 568 KB. Photo by Elle Starkman.

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Created: 19 October 2005
Send questions or comments to:
Anthony R. DeMeo at ademeo@pppl.gov
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