Security Notice

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

6 September 2001

Celebration of High-temperature Plasma Physics
at PPPL September 12-14

Media Invited to Attend

Plainsboro, New Jersey -- In honor of its scientific achievements during the past five decades, the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) is hosting a symposium entitled, "A Celebration of High-temperature Plasma Physics" Wednesday through Friday, September 12-14. The three-day event will include a series of technical talks in the Laboratory's Melvin B. Gottlieb Auditorium, as well as a banquet at PPPL on September 12 at 6 P.M.

Members of the media are invited to attend any or all of the talks and the banquet.* The talks will range from future directions in plasma science and fusion research to solar fusion and solar neutrinos to accomplishments and challenges in computational plasma science. Speakers from PPPL and other institutions will be featured. Robert Card, Under Secretary for the Department of Energy, is scheduled to deliver opening remarks at 9 A.M. on September 12. As Under Secretary, Card has responsibility for Departmental operations in Energy, Science, and Environment. (A program with the complete listing of the talks and speakers is listed on PPPL's web site at

PPPL, funded by the Department of Energy and managed by Princeton University, is a collaborative national center for science and innovation leading to an attractive fusion energy source. The Laboratory is on Princeton University's Forrestal Campus off Route 1 in Plainsboro and not on the University's main campus in Princeton. Call for directions if needed.

* If you wish to attend the banquet, please contact Patti Wieser or Anthony DeMeo ahead of time.

For further information, please contact:

Patricia Wieser
Information Services
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
(609) 243-2757

Anthony R. DeMeo
Information Services
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
(609) 243-2754

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Created: 6 September 2001