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You can rearrange the lay-out of your tables to provide the information you want in the right place. For example, the Data Source Selection you specified may default to having countries shown as the rows of your tables. But you may only have one country and several commodities and you want to have commodities in the rows instead. There are two ways to rerrange table report rows and coloums: "drag and drop" and "set dimension order". In this section, you'll learn how to utilize the set dimension order.

Set Dimension Order
Faster and more precise than drag and drop, you can get started by clicking the icon on your report toolbar. That will open up the set dimension order dialog box shown in Figure A.

Figure A: Set Dimension Order Dialog Box

Report Options Toolbar

Set dimension order dialogue box

There are three areas in which you can position the dimensions of your report. They're pretty obvious until you hit "OTHER":
    • Rows go down the left side of your report.
    • Columns go across your report.
    • Title end up in the titles of your report. This will be explained shortly.

The various icons move dimensions from one area to another and determine their sequence within an area:

The "Title" dimension determines how many individual tables you'll see in your results. If you're used to spreadsheets, think of "Title" as determining how many sheets you get within a given spreadsheet. You'll end up with a separate table for each combination of items that appear in your results. In Figure B below, Commodity is in the "Title" dimension. If there are five commodities in your report, you'll end up with five separate tables -- one for each commodity. The "Title" dimension area appears at the top of the dimension area, just below the pagination area. It is shown in the same color as the row dimensions. "Title" dimensions do not appear on the rows or columns of a report, but the data from the active members of the "Title" dimensions are included in the report's values. Any dimensions can be placed there, as long as the report still contains at least one row dimension and one column dimension.

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