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report year 2007-2008
Welcome to the 2007 State of the Sanctuaries Report Web site. This report highlights the National Marine Sanctuary Program's key 2007 accomplishments and leadership efforts in marine conservation. Every year, the program makes major strides in developing results-oriented resource protection, science, management and educational programs. A major reason for our accomplishments is the continued involvement and dedication of numerous partners such as aquaria, universities, government agencies, non-profit organizations and countless volunteers who dedicate thousands of hours to ensure continued protection of our fragile ocean ecosystems and maritime heritage.

Our featured accomplishment came in July when NOAA expanded protected areas within the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. The move permanently bans fishing from nearly 111 square miles around the Channel Islands, extending a network of marine reserves that now make up the largest area of no-fishing zones in the continental United States. Combined with the state marine reserves of the sanctuary, the protected area encompasses more than 300 square miles.

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Download the entire report here. (pdf, 1MB)
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