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Virginia R. Van Sickle-Burkett, D.F./Ph.D.


picture of Virginia BurkettVirginia R. Burkett, D.F./Ph.D. 1996. Stephen F. Austin State University.
Chief Scientist for Global Change Research

Virginia Burkett is the Chief Scientist for Global Change Research at the U.S. Geological Survey. She was formerly Chief of the Forest Ecology Branch at the National Wetlands Research Center and Associate Regional Chief Biologist for the USGS Central Region. Dr. Burkett has served as Director of the Louisiana Coastal Zone Management Program, Director of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and Assistant Director of the Louisiana Geological Survey. She has published extensively on the topics of global change and low-lying coastal zones. She was a Lead Author on the United Nation's IPCC Third and Fourth Assessment Reports (2001 and 2007) and an IPCC Technical Paper on Water (2007). She coordinated both the Coastal and Southeast synthesis chapters of the U.S. National Assessment of climate change and its impacts. During her career Burkett has been appointed to over 40 Commissions, Committees, Science Panels and Boards.

Curriculum vitae - (maintained by Burkett; PDF, 62K; last updated April 28, 2008)

Burkett's NWRC Publications

The following list of publications is current only through 2001. For an update, please go to the online NWRC publications data base ( to search for the bibliographic citations of individual staff members.


Books and Book Chapters

Other Peer Reviewed Publications

Abstracts [2001 Only]

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