Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Science on Saturday Lecture Series 2005
(Concluded March 2005)

A series of talks geared toward high school students but open to all, the program draws more than 300 students, teachers, parents, and community members each Saturday.

Topics are selected from the forefront of research in a variety of disciplines. The lectures are given by scientists, mathematicians, and other professionals involved in cutting-edge research. The program runs January through March.

The 2005 Science on Saturday brochure may be downloaded in PDF format (240 KB).

Remote Viewing of Science on Saturday Lectures

Science on Saturday lectures begin at 9:30 a.m. and usually finish by 11:15 a.m. To watch the lectures from your computer you will need "RealPlayer."

A FREE RealPlayer can be downloaded from
BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE VERSION. (The "Free RealPlayer" button is located at the top right of the Real home page.)

To access a Science on Saturday Lecture broadcast, copy and paste the following address into your browser address line or into RealPlayer:
Other Important Information
January 15 The Idea of a Moduli Space

Professor Jordan Ellenberg
Department of Mathematics
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey

January 22 A Quantum Chemist Looks under the Hood: What makes Molecules do the Things They Do?

Professor Michelle M. Francl
Chemistry Department
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

January 29 The Body Synthetic: Biomaterials in You

Dr. Michele Marcolongo
Associate Professor
Materials Science and Engineering
Drexel University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

February 5 Glass, the Canvas for Science: From the Scientific Glassblower's Perspective

Mr. Michael Souza
Department of Chemistry
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey

February 12 Linking Perception to Action: Mechanisms of the Brain that Give Rise to Qualities of the Mind

Professor Joshua Gold
Department of Neuroscience
School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

February 19 Invading the Virus World: Detective Stories in Infectious Disease

Professor Joseph B. McCormick
Assistant Dean and James H. Steele Professor
University of Texas at Houston
Health Science Center
School of Public Heath
Houston, Texas

Professor Susan Fisher-Hoch
Biological Sciences
University of Texas at Houston
Health Science Center
School of Public Heath
Houston, Texas

February 26 No Program -- New Jersey Regional Science Bowl®
March 5 More Perfect than We Imagined: A Physicist's View of Life

Professor William Bialek
Joseph Henry Laboratories of Physics and the
  Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey

March 12 High Power Lasers: Another Path to Fusion Energy

Dr. John D. Sethian
Manager, High Average Power Laser Program
Laser Plasma Branch, Plasma Physics Division
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC

March 19 What is the Value of Continued Long-term Research on Wild Mountain Gorillas?

Dr. H. Dieter Steklis
Professor Emeritus of Primatology
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Vice-president for Conservation Science
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International


All talks will be held at Princeton University's Plasma Physics Laboratory. The Laboratory is located on the Forrestal Campus off U.S. Route 1 in Plainsboro and not on the University's main campus in Princeton. Driving instructions and maps.

Entrance Procedures
Presently, PPPL (a federal facility) is taking heightened security measures because of the September 11, 2001 national tragedy.

Upon arrival at PPPL, all adult visitors must show a government-issued photo I.D. -- for example, a passport or a driver's license. Non-U.S. citizens must show a government-issued photo I.D., plus provide the following information: citizenship, date of birth, and place of birth.

For the welfare of both our staff and visitors, PPPL security staff retain the right to inspect vehicles and personal packages, such as briefcases, satchels, book bags, and purses.

Time and Registration
The lectures begin at 9:30 a.m. and usually finish by 11:15 a.m. There is no fee for the program. Registration is on-site prior to each session. No preregistrations accepted. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

If it is necessary to cancel a session due to snow or ice storms, a message will be left on the Science on Saturday Hotline: (609) 243-2121.

For more information, e-mail James Morgan at or call the Science on Saturday Hotline at (609) 243-2121 and leave a message. All calls will be returned.

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Updated: 18 April 2005
Send questions or comments to:
Anthony R. DeMeo at
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