Table 2: Template for 1-Page Summary of U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Recommendation Statements

Population Information displayed here (typically in multiple columns) indicates the specific populations to which elements of the recommendation apply.
Recommendation Indicated here is the action associated with each letter grade (e.g., do X, don't screen, etc.)
Grade: A, B, C, or D recommendation or I statement.
Risk assessment Characteristics that should be considered when applying this recommendation to a patient panel are indicated here.
Screening tests For A, B, or C screening recommendations, information is provided on reliable tests.
Screening intervals For A, B, or C screening recommendations, information on optimal intervals will be included here if evidence is available.
Interventions For counseling recommendations, features of evidence-based interventions will be described here, including type and intensity of the intervention, how it is delivered in a primary care setting, and by whom.
Balance of harm and benefits The rationale for C and D recommendations is provided here.
Suggestions for practice When available, additional information is provided about applying the recommendation in clinical practice. This box is most frequently used when the Task Force issues an I statement (evidence is insufficient).
Other relevant recommendations from the USPSTF When applicable, information about other related USPSTF recommendations is provided.

All of the information in this summary comes from the specific recommendation statements and associated clinical considerations. For a summary of the evidence systematically reviewed in making these recommendations, the full recommendation statement, and supporting documents, see

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