tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Northeastern Tributary Reservoirs Land Management Plan

TVA is developing a Land Management Plan to guide land use and resource management decisions concerning TVA-managed public lands located along seven tributary reservoirs: Beaver Creek, Boone, Clear Creek, Fort Patrick Henry, South Holston, Watauga and Wilbur. (View maps of the seven tributary reservoirs.) The Plan will identify the most suitable and appropriate use for each parcel of TVA-managed public land along these reservoirs for the next 10 years. The anticipated impacts of implementing the Plan will be described in an environmental impact statement (EIS).

Public involvement

A public comment period was conducted May 5th - June 5th, 2008. Comments received on this land management planning process and on the environmental issues to be addressed in the associated EIS will be summarized in a report available in September 2008. All of the comments received during the public participation period are available in the Scoping Report. Also included in the report are the No Action and Action Alternatives for the proposed land management plans.

Mailing List

To be added to the Northeastern Tributary Reservoirs Land Management Plan Mailing List, please e-mail us or call 1-866-601-4612


Federal Register Notice of Intent to prepare a DEIS (PDF, 252 kb)

Maps of the TVA-managed land

Land planning process

General fact sheet (PDF, 183 kb)

Scoping Report (PDF, 250 kb)

A draft Plan and EIS will be available in Spring 2009




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