tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Halls Crossroads Retail Development

Willow Fork, Knox County, Tennessee

On April 9, 2008, TVA issued a finding of no significant impact for the proposed wetlands fills and stream relocation associated with the development of a shopping center by the Graham Corporation in Halls Crossroads, Knox County, Tennessee. These activities would affect Willow For, a tributary to Beaver Creek.

The fills and stream relocation require approval by TVA under Section 26a of the TVA Act and approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. TVA adopted an environmental assessment of the proposed fill and stream relocation issued by the Corps in December 2007.

The proposal involves filling 0.60 acre of wetlands and relocating 2,319 feet of Willow Fork. Graham Corporation will implement a mitigation plan which includes wetland creation and habitat enhancement on existing and relocated streams, and a permanent conservation easement.


PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF, 116 kb)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Assessment (PDF, 2.8 mb)

Appendices (PDF, 7.6 mb)


For more information, or to receive a printed copy of the document, contact:

Heather L. McGee, NEPA Resources,
Tennessee Valley Authority
P.O. Box 1010, SB1H-M
Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662-1010
Phone: 256-386-2561
Fax: 256-386-2559



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