NOAA Logo, NOAA Satellites and Information, National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC).

The Earthquake Strong Motion CD-ROM Collection

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The National Geophysical Data Center's entire strong motion three CD-ROM collection containing over 15,000 digitized and processed accelerograph records is available online. The data represent a broad range of structural and geologic recording environments. Three types of processed records are included on the CDs: uncorrected (raw), corrected (filtered), and response spectra (includes Fourier spectra).

NOTE: Also check Other Sources of Earthquake Strong Motion Data and Information

Data Online

Records were contributed to the archive from various worldwide industrial, academic, and governmental sources.

  • Volume 1 contains records for California, USA (1933-1988).
  • Volume 2 contains records for California (1989-1994) and all other USA states including Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Maine, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, Nevada New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, and Washington.
  • Volume 3 contains records for Non-USA countries including Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Russia, El Salvador, Fiji, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Portugal, Romania, SPain, Taiwan, and Turkey.

Data Retrieval and Documentation

The SMCAT (Strong Motion Data Catalog) data inventory software package for IBM-compatible personal computers is included on the CD. It is also available on the Web. It contains a comprehensive database which summarizes the characteristics of each accelerogram and facilitates retrieval of records for specific applications from the CDs. Over 2,000 pages of documentation containing information on the triggering earthquakes, recording stations, record processing procedures, and data format (when available) were digitally scanned (.PCX files) and included on the CDs.

Structural Records

Most of the strong motion archive consists of records obtained from various man-made structures. These sites include structures of engineering importance such as dams, bridges, utilities and large buildings. These records represent a comprehensive collection of accelerograph data suitable for the analysis of dynamic structural response and soil-structure interaction.

Free-Field Records

Approximately 5,000 records in the collection are available from ground response sites. Obtained from a wide variety of geologic environments, these records comprise an important subset useful for the study of seismic attenuation in a wide variety of regional geologic media ranging from young alluvium to hard rock. Several near source records included in the database are useful for source mechanism studies.

Special Array Records

Included in the archive are records from several accelerograph instrument arrays which are used to study specific problems in strong ground motion.

Other Media Available

In addition to the Earthquake Strong Motion CDs, NGDC can provide these data in a variety of media formats, including floppy diskettes and magnetic tapes. Electronic delivery of data via Internet is also possible. Please contact the Center for pricing and information on customized products and services.