
"Cluster Interconnect Overview"
B. Bode, J. Hill and T. Benjegerdes, Proceedings of the USENIX Extreme Linux Technical Conference, Boston, Massachesetts, July 2004, pp 211-218.

"InfiniBand Performance Review"
T. Benjegerdes and B. Bode, Proceedings of the USENIX Extreme Linux Technical Conference, Boston, Massachesetts, July 2004, pp 219-224.

"Linux Clustering using the PowerPC G4 processor"
D. Greig, C. Collins, T. Benjegerdes, and B. Bode,
Proceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 2002.

"Reconfigureable Computing for High Performance Technical Computing"
T. Benjegerdes and S. Stanek, CprE 583 (Reconfigureable Computing) course, Dec, 2003

"Reconfigureable Computing Applications for High Performance Technical Computing Presentation"
T. Benjegerdes and S. Stanek, CprE 583 (Reconfigureable Computing) course, Dec, 2003

"Miles Per Acre of a 2001 Toyota Prius;
T. Benjegerdes, Bio-Based Industry Outlook Conference Poster Session, November 2007, Iowa State University

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updated: Dec 3, 2007